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Activity 1
Instructions: Answer the given question substantially.
Discuss the importance of service quality

The significance of service quality is that it assists organizations in increasing sales and
retaining customers. Customers who are satisfied with the product and experience high-quality
service from a company will definitely become regular customers and will probably place a
repeat order. Furthermore, customers who experience a high-quality service will become your
advocates, encouraging other consumers to purchase or try your business through the power of
word of mouth, since they will share their experience with others, which may attract potential
customers in the future to try your business, leading to a boost in your sales. Measuring service
quality is important since it gives the business a good image with the customers. It also gives
more value to what they are paid for and gives a better experience to the customers.

Activity 2
Instructions: Answer the given question substantially.
Describe the basic differences and the similarities between service quality and
customer satisfaction.

The difference is that customer satisfaction precedes perceived service quality,

whereas perceived service quality precedes customer satisfaction. Only by offering high-
quality service will you be able to satisfy customers. Consumers who are satisfied with
your business are a sign that you provide high-quality services, and customers who are
content with your services will also increase your business's profitability. Customer
satisfaction and the possibility that they'll stay committed to your company are both
increased by high-quality service. Customer happiness is a result of high service quality,
which increases the firm's ability to compete in the market.

Activity 3
Instructions: Answer the given question substantially.
Describe the various approaches/methods that can be utilized by a service firm to
improve its quality service and increase customer satisfaction.

To raise the quality of its services and boost client happiness, a service company might
employ a wide range of different strategies and tactics. These are achieved through the
use of Servqual, a research tool created to collect customer expectations and views of a
service along five characteristics thought to characterize service quality. When a
customer rates a service after it has been rendered, this is known as a post-service
rating. While conducting a follow-up or in-app survey, you use a survey form; when
conducting mystery shopping, you hire a shopper to conduct their business in your
establishment. It is possible to determine whether the assistance agents behaved
appropriately or not by documentation analysis, a qualitative approach. Customer Effort
Score (CES): The score they receive will define how devoted they are; First Contact
Resolution Ratio: The customer will rate the quality of the service they receive; and
Leading Metrics Analysis: Input metrics can point you in the right approach.
Throughout a bid to assess the level of customer satisfaction at the company and
determine how to improve it, these methods use surveys, ratings, research, analysis,
scores, and metrics.

Activity 4
Instructions: Answer the given question substantially.
Explain the significance of measuring quality service.

The value of evaluating the quality of a service is that it enables a business to

determine whether or not its clients are happy with the services they are receiving. In
order to better serve its customers, a company must understand what their needs are.
This is done through measuring the quality of its services. As a result, the company is
better able to determine what has to be changed or eliminated in order to provide
customers with services of higher quality. It also assists the business in identifying any
shortcomings or gaps in the services it provides.

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