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Shadows of Tragedy: Finding Light in the Dark

In the silence of the night, tragedy does creep,

A shadow in the darkness, where tears silently weep.
It strikes without warning, like a thief in the night,
Stealing our joy, filling our hearts with fright.

It comes in many forms, both big and small,

A loss, a betrayal, a sudden, tragic fall.
It leaves us feeling lost, adrift in a sea of pain,
Searching for answers, but finding only rain.

Yet in the midst of tragedy, there is strength to be found,

In the courage of the human spirit, in the love that surrounds.
For in the darkest of times, a light still shines bright,
Guiding us through the darkness, towards the morning light.

So let us not be defined by tragedy's cruel hand,

But let us rise above it, together, hand in hand.
For in unity, there is hope, in love, there is light,
And in the face of tragedy, we can still shine bright.

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