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My one sided one story , a cluster of painful memories . Always needing

attention , always craving for love , doing everything in my will to just please
them , but in the end all went in vain. They never wanted such a relationship
from the beginning , it was just my way of thinking . I used to tell my friends
that my parents love me and they will always love me, but even my friends
knew that that wasn’t the case. A very harsh time I had in my childhood , giving
it all my best , but never getting anything in return.

Fear, sadness , depression, anxiety , hopelessness etc, parents don’t

understand these things . They were shown tough love in their childhood ,
instead of not doing the same to your children , they were even worse . I was
probably around 11 or 12 , and I asked my parents that, “ why is it that you
don’t love us like other parents love their children? Why is it that other parents
are like best friends for their children and you behave like our worst enemy?”
My mother was silent , my father replied in a very cold , stern voice, “ Parents
can never be friends with their children . To teach you respect and etiquettes ,
this is the only way .” My mind from that time onwards , was always thinking
of ways to prove my parents wrong . That the best upbringing is done when you
are close to your child.

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