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Literature in Practice Assignment 2 Application Form for Major Project 3000 words

1. Project title

(max 20 words)

2. Abstract

(max 150 words)

3. Subject areas

(Give min 1 max 3 e.g. English Literature, History, Creative Writing)

4. Classifications:

(Give max 5 e.g. contemporary literature, gender studies, postcolonial literature, gothic)

5. Applicant career summary, including identification of key skills and knowledge

(max 300 words)

6. Detailed proposal (max 2,500 words)

Please use the headings below:

(i) Aims and Objectives: (use bullet points and aim for c.3)
(ii) Research Questions: (use bullet points and aim for between 3 and 5)
(iii) Research Context / Literature Review
(iv) Methodology
(v) Planned outputs (e.g. an extended essay (dissertation) coupled with a shorter
reflective essay; an extended creative work coupled with a shorter reflective
component; or a hybrid work of creative criticism with a shorter reflective essay.)
(Please give estimated word counts for these components, to total 15,000 words for
the entire major project.)
(vi) Plan of action, including time-plan: (use a Gant chart if you find this useful ?????)
(vii) Ethics clearance (Please consult the University’s Research Ethics Online website: and complete the
online application process before the deadline for this assignment, as well as
discussing matters of ethics and ethical clearance in this section of your application.)

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