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A PhD Proposal Writing Template

This is a suggested template to help structure the PhD proposal. The proposal should
normally not exceed 10 pages. Pages are indicative, and it is up to you to decide how
to use space for the different sections of the research proposal.

Title (1 line, short, sweet, succinct)

I. Relevance and significance of the proposed project (approx. 1 page)

a) Situating the proposed PhD study in the larger picture – WHY is it important
Explain how your study is relevant to the advance your field, why you have chosen this
particular topic. Give a brief account about the topic to situate the study, and show how
the study will contribute to new knowledge.
b) Research statement: main objective and purpose of the project
Present the main objective of your study to give the reader sufficient information to
decide whether the project is important and keep their interest.
II. Background and status of knowledge (approx. 3 pages)
a) Outline based on selected literature the state of knowledge, what do we know about the
topic you plan to research, and why is it important to investigate. This will include initial
search, review and orientation in the literature, and what is previously known. Sharpen
the outline of your research objectives
b) If applicable, provide a conceptual framework / theoretical foundation of the project and
what answer(s) you expect to find based of previous research and theoretical background.
III. Objectives - design – methods (approx. 3 pages)
a) Research statement, research objective(s), sub studies
State the objective(s) you want to answer through your project, and include sub studies
where each sub study is focusing and zooming in on one aspect of the research objective.
Sub studies can be a nice way to indicate the papers.
b) Approaches, design and choice of method
Give an account of the methodological foundation (research strategy/philosophical
stance) reflected in design and methods, and any research-ethical challenges linked to the
project. Describe the study site/context briefly. Describe the underlying data collection
technique(s) and empirical material that will be used and how these will be analyzed
IV. Project organization (approx. 2-3 pages)
a. Progress plan; project management, organisation and cooperation
Outline briefly how you intend to organize your doctoral work over six semesters (3
years), and include empirical work and PhD courses. Include key milestones likes data
collection, data analysis, writing of the articles and extended synopsis / mantle, thesis
defense. Show it with a GNATT chart. We do not expect you to know about individual
courses, seminars, etc. that will be included in the training component.
b. Permissions; ethical clearance / collaboration
Present from whom and where you will secure ethical clearance, permissions from
research sites (to collect data etc)
c. Research environment, and supervisor(s)
Give a brief account of research environment and team of supervisors
d. Budget and funding
Set up a budget, the allocated resources for running the empirical work, costs of
publications and funding source
e. Dissemination and publications
Outline your proposed outputs: your plans for communicating / publishing your doctoral
project – articles, summary, presentations
V. References
List all the references used in the proposal, either as Vancouver or APA style for in-text and
reference list style.

Moen – Balcha, 2014/ rev 2018 Moen - Jahren

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