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Коваленко Вікторія ПТ-11

1) Write a Ukrainian film review (120-150 words) using the task, useful phrases and
recommendation below.
I recently watched the movie "Mavka" and it really interested me and I want to tell a little about it.
The plot of the cartoon begins with a hand-drawn backstory, which tells about a legend, according
to which there was a magical Source of Life inside an ancient great forest, which fed the entire
magical Forest with its power. But once a man crossed the Black Mountain to the Magic Forest. It
was the owner of the sawmill who begged the Forester to give him a drop of spring water to save
his own daughter from death. The Forester gave, but later many people came to the Enchanted
Forest, who preferred to grab the entire source, which the Forester could not agree to - a fierce
battle began between the people and the Forester. At a terrible price, Lisovik won the victory. He
forbade people to pass beyond the Black Mountain forever, and forest dwellers were ordered to
have no contact with humans.
Then the main story begins according to the plot. Winter is ending in the forest. Mavka is a kind
and naive forest nymph, wakes up from winter hibernation and awakens all living things in the
forest. Plants, animals and magical forest creatures wake up and rejoice in spring.
Kylyna arrives in the village, which is located next to the forest, and introduces herself to the
villagers as the daughter and heiress of the owner of the sawmill. She offers them a job: to go
beyond the Black Mountain for a lot of money. However, according to beliefs, an evil spirit lives
there, so none of the villagers accept such an offer. Meanwhile, Lukash, one of the village
musicians, needs money to buy medicine for his sick uncle Lev. After reading the advertisement,
Lukash goes to Kylina's estate to get a job from her. Kylina orders Lukash to find a tree with a
special leaf in the forest behind Black Mountain. He goes on a search together with Eric and Deryk,
Kylina's servants.
In the magical forest, the Forester invites everyone to the willow cave for the election of a new
Forest Guardian, since the Forester himself has little strength.
A little tired of searching for a leaf in the magical forest, Lukash decides to play the flute. This
melody is heard by Mavka, who was going to scare him and drive him out of the forest. However,
after hearing the melody, he becomes fascinated by it. Lukash then tells Mavka and the
noisemaker Hook that he needs a note to get money and use it to buy medicine for his uncle.
Instead, Mavka assures Lukash that what is needed to save his uncle is not a leaf, but a drop of
spring water, which she promises to give. In gratitude for this, Lukash promises Mavka to play the
pipe one more time. Warm feelings develop between them.
In order not to run into the Forester, Lukash, disguised as a distant relative of the noisemaker
Hook, was forced to participate in the election of a new Guardian. The primordial spirits of nature
choose Mavka as the new Guardian, who helps Lukash escape from the enchanted forest after he
is exposed.
Kylina finds out about Lukash's return to the village and sends Frol, his right-hand man, to follow
him. In Lukash's house, Frol finds a special leaf in which there was a magic drop that Mavka gave to
save Uncle Lev. Kylina plans to follow Lukasz, who was supposed to visit the forest again.
The two of them go to the fair, where they have fun. After Lukash finally plays his tune, the
villagers learn that Mavka is a forest evil spirit, not a human. Kylyna orders to capture Mavka, but
she is saved by the Forester, who disperses the aggressive crowd. Kylina, blackmailing Lukash, who
was imprisoned in a deep basement, gets the coordinates of the source of Life from him.
In order to achieve his goals, Kylina turns the villagers against the magical forest creatures, igniting
enmity between them - the villagers go to destroy the magical forest. Then it becomes known that
Kylina is not the daughter of the owner of the sawmill, but his wife, who made up a sad story about
her sick daughter. And in her plans not only to maintain her own youth and beauty, but also to
become the richest and most influential person in the world thanks to the source. Kylyna also tells
Mavka that she paid Lukash well for finding the source and deceiving Mavka, emphasizing that
Lukash got the money and went to the city. Mavka is greatly disturbed by what he heard. However,
a terrible battle begins between the villagers and the inhabitants of the forest, during which
Mavka, as the Guardian of the forest, calls on the One Who Sits in the Rock to give her
supernatural power, to give her a spark of righteous fury, which allows her to drive the armed
villagers out of the forest. Instead, Mavcha's life becomes the price for the spark, and her
consciousness falls into Nothingness. Meanwhile, the noisemaker Huk, the frog Kvus and the dog
Shust rescue Lukash, whom Kylina ordered to drown in the basement of her own estate. Lukasz
defeats Frol, who remained to guard Lukasz. But a deadly firestorm is already falling on the village,
in the center of which is Mavka. Thanks to Lukash's music and a common song, the villagers
manage to wake up Mavka, stop the firestorm and escape. "The only magic we humans have is
love," concludes Lukash. Peace is established between the world of humans and the world of
mythical forest creatures.
In the scene after the animated credits, an old, shriveled Kylina appears at the spring, joyfully
diving into the magical water, but after a few minutes she turns into a baby.

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