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Harmony of Hormones : Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

(Guide by gree_yogabhyasi)

The way a woman spends her non-cycle days, particularly her sleep patterns and activity
level, can significantly impact her menstrual experience. Your period often reflects how
you've lived during your non-cycle days, so it's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Daily Physical Practices:

- Incorporate 3-5 rounds of Suryanamaskars into your daily routine.
- Engage in a 10-15 minute walk after each meal for overall health.

Yoga Asanas for Menstrual Health:

In general, regular yoga practice (asana abhyaas) is essential, but there are
specific asanas that become particularly important in the 12 days leading up
to Menstruation:

1. Uttanasana
2. Virabhadrasana 1, 2
2. Deviasana
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Uttanaprasithasana
7. Kapotasana
8. Uttana Mandukasana
9. Baddha Konasana
10. Agnistambhasana
11. Malasana
12. Hasta balasana
13. Uttana Balasana
14. Supta Baddha Konasana.
15. Viparita Karani

Apana Vayu Activation:

There are five types of vayu (air) that play a crucial role in the body's functioning.
Apana Vayu, responsible for downward flow, influences excretion, childbirth, and
- Kapalbhati Kriya - 3 rounds 100 strokes (to avoided once the period starts)
- Malasana & Badha Konasana is particularly effective in activating Apana Vayu.
These 2 Asanas should be performed daily

Menstrual Care:
- Regular practice of these asanas in the 12 days before PMS can reduce PMS symptoms.
- Perform Kapalbhati daily until your menstrual cycle begins, and then pause.
- In the three days leading up to your periods, transition into a restful mode.
- Activate feminine energy and practice the asanas holding them for a longer time.
- Read the Feminine energy balancing guide here

Cramp Relief:
- When cramps start, massage your lower abdomen with sesame oil (til ka tel).
- Use heating pads for relief.
- Have a warm glass of milk with desi ghee to alleviate discomfort.

Changing Your Perspective Towards Periods:

- Embrace your menstrual cycle as a natural phenomenon, not a painful event.
- Practice positive affirmations around your period cycle as the PMS phase starts.
look forward to the slowdown that period brings to your month
- Speak to your mind and body positively about period experience.
During Your Periods:
- Focus on practicing restorative yoga poses taught in class for comfort.
- Guided video for restorative Yoga

Menopause and Psychology:

- Accept hormonal shifts during menopause as natural.
- Embrace changes and avoid resisting them.
- It's okay to feel multiple emotions; don't judge yourself.

Managing Premenopausal Symptoms:

- Engage in asanas, daily jog, and run.
- Chant 'Aum' regularly for soothing effects.
- Practice 'Legs Up the Wall' asana (Viparita Karani) for 10 minutes daily.
- Use pranayama techniques for hot flushes: 'Sheetkari' and 'Sheetali.'
- Stay physically active during menopause. Do gyming or resistance training once
the menopause phase is completed
- Personal care practices, like meditation, barefoot walks on grass, and self-care
routines, are essential.
- Adequate intake of Omega-3, B12, and protein is important; avoid junk food.
- Engage in creative activities for joy and well-being.

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