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Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

identify the basic components and types of a sentence
differentiate between the simple sentence and a quality sentence.
 explain the importance of punctuation marks in a sentence
construct grammatically correct sentence

Time Resources
1. Recap/Link with Previous Lesson: 2 min
Students will be encouraged to brainstorm share their knowledge about
sentence construction.
2. Introduction of New Topic/Starter Activity:
 Students will be asked to explain “What is a sentence and what are Whiteboard
the qualities of a good sentence.
 They will be shown the punctuation marks puppets and their usage 8 min Do sheets
in the sentence will be discussed.
Activity Punctuation
Class will be divided into groups and set of words will be given. Students
will be instructed to make quality sentences by using those words and marks puppets
include subject and verbs in them.
3. Teaching of Main Concept/Discussion:
 Key terms will be defined (subject, verb, object) and explained with
different examples. 10 min Notebook
 Types of sentences will be explained with examples.
4. Error Analysis Activity:
 Different kinds of correct and incorrect sentences will be written on
the board and students will be asked to find the wrong sentence and
made correction in them.
5. Classwork/Written Task:
 Students will make 5 quality sentences using adjectives.
6. Wrap Up/Plenary: 20 min
Teacher will wrap up the lesson by sharing students’ work with the class.

Assessment Homework
Students will be assessed by their participation in the activities, identification Prepare adjectives for the
of simple and quality sentences and through construction of their sentences. test in the next week.


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