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SOQL Query
Cheat Sheet
Salesforce SOQL Query

1) Query on Account Object to get the ID, Name and DeveloperName.

SELECT Id, Name, DeveloperName FROM Account

2)Query on Profile Object to get the Profile Id and Name With Where
condition to check id contain the Id which we are passing into the profile
Id variable.

SELECT Id, Name From Profile WHERE Id =: ‘profileId’

3)Query to get the AssigneeId to which user we have assign the

Permissionset. In the where condition need to add the name of the
Permission set.

SELECT AssigneeId FROM PermissionSetAssignment WHERE

PermissionSet.Name =: ‘ add Permission set name’

4)Query to get all the Opportunity which contain the amount greater
than 10000

SELECT Id, Name, StageName, Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE

Amount > 10000

5)Query on Record Type to get the Record Type which contain the
developer name as Service
SELECT Id, Name ,SobjectType , DeveloperName FROM RecordType
WHERE DeveloperName = 'Service'
6) Query to get the Faderation Identifier from the User Object and in the
where condition we are passing the Id is equal to the reference of User Id

SELECT Id , FederatioIdentifier FROM User WHERE Id = ‘UserID’;

7)Query to get the Opportunity With Created Date is in the Decending


SELECT Id, AccountId, RecordTypeId, IsPrivate, Name, Description,

StageName, Amount, Probability FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId =:
'AccountIdreference' Order By CreatedDate DESC

8)Query to get the 5 Record of an Product2 Object to get only five record
we can use LIMIT

SELECT Id, Name, ProductCode, Description, CreatedDate, CreatedById,

LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, IsArchived FROM Product2 Limit 5

9)Query to get the Opportunity based on the Created Date in Assending


SELECT Id, AccountId, RecordTypeId, IsPrivate, Name, Description,

StageName, Amount, Probability FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId =:
'AccountIdreference' Order By CreatedDate ASC

10)Query to get Child object Contact from the Parent Object Account

SELECT Name, Id, (SELECT Id, AccountId, LastName, FirstName, Salutation,

Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account
11)Query to get the the record of an Opportunity Object which is
Created This month

SELECT Id, Name, StageName, Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE

CreatedDate = THIS_MONTH

12)Query to get the the record of an Opportunity Object in Which the

StageName = ‘Closed Won’

SELECT Id, Name, StageName, Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE

StageName = 'Closed Won'

13) Query to get the Account record Shared User Data

SELECT Id, AccountId, UserOrGroupId, AccountAccessLevel,

OpportunityAccessLevel, CaseAccessLevel, ContactAccessLevel,
RowCause FROM AccountShare Limit 5

14) Query to get the First name , Last Name and Phone From the Lead In
Which the lead Id is in the LeadIDS reference List

Set<Id> leadldsList = New Set<Id>();

SELECT Id , FirstName,LastName Phone From Lead WHERE Id IN :


15) Query to get the RecordType Id From RecordType IN which the

ObjectType is contact.

SELECT IdFROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType = ‘Contact’ AND Name

= ‘add name reference’
16) This query retrieves the ID, First Name, and Last Name of
Contacts with email addresses ending in ''

SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE Email LIKE


17) This query retrieves the ID, First Name, and Last Name of
Contacts associated with the Account named 'Acme Corporation'.

SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE

Account.Name = 'Acme Corporation'

18) This query retrieves the ID, Name, and Stage Name of
Opportunities with a Close Date within the next 30 days

SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE LastActivityDate >


19) This query retrieves the ID and Name of Accounts not

associated with the industry 'Finance'.

SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Industry != 'Finance'

20)This query retrieves the ID and Name of Accounts with Billing

City not containing the term 'York’

SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE BillingCity NOT LIKE

21)This query retrieves the ID, Name, and Stage Name of
Opportunities not in the 'Prospecting' or 'Closed Lost' stages.

SELECT Id, Name, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE

StageName NOT IN ('Prospecting', 'Closed Lost')

22)This query retrieves the ID, Name, and Close Date of

Opportunities with a Close Date within the current fiscal year.

SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate FROM Opportunity WHERE CloseDate


23) This query retrieves the ID, Name, and Close Date of
Opportunities with a Close Date within the current fiscal year

SELECT Id, Title, Body FROM Note WHERE ParentId IN (SELECT Id

FROM Opportunity WHERE CloseDate = THIS_FISCAL_YEAR)

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