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Christian Poensgen

7 habits to transform your life

(in 12 weeks):
Dr. Christian Poensgen

1) Create your 3-3-3 plan for the day

Productivity isn’t about squeezing in

more things, but doing the right things.

Use Oliver Burkeman’s 3-3-3 Method

to win your day:

- Focus for 3 hrs on your #1 thing

- Timebox 3 shorter tasks (e.g. email)
- Plan 3 maintenance tasks (e.g. health)
Dr. Christian Poensgen

2) Do Intermittent Digital Fasting

Practice Intermittent Digital Fasting (IDF)

to cut your screen time in half (or more).

Put your phone into its own bedroom

(not yours!) 1 hr before bed; let it “sleep
in” for at least 1 hr after you wake up.

IDF will let you win back 14 hrs a week

– and dramatically improve your sleep.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

3) Get light right (10-10-10 rule)

This is vital for optimizing your cortisol

and melatonin levels.

You’ll have more energy during the day

and fall deeply asleep easier at night.

To do so, use our 10-10-10 rule: Get 10

mins of sunlight into your eyes before 10
am & avoid bright, blue light after 10 pm.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

4) Put in 90 mins of deep work

That amount a day doubles your overall

productivity, McKinsey found.

Use our 30-3-11 rule to time it when your

energy & motivation are highest:

~30 mins after waking,

~3 hrs after waking, or
~11 hrs after waking.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

5) Use the physiological sigh

It’s the quickest & most effective way to

turn off stress in real-time. Here’s how:

- Inhale deeply through nose for 2 secs

- Inhale again through nose for 1 sec
- Exhale fully through mouth for 6 secs

I do this 1-3 times whenever I’m stressed

during the day. It works like a charm.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

6) Drink 2-3 liters of water

Insufficient hydration causes fatigue and

even anxiety. Nobody needs that, right?

Women should go for 2 liters and men for

3 liters a day, says the Mayo Clinic.

For better sleep at night, drink most of

your water in the first 10 hrs of the day.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

7) Go “Hell Yeah or No”

Often find yourself stretched too thin and

over-committed? That makes two of us.

Entrepreneur and writer Derek Sivers has

a brilliant rule: “Hell Yeah or No”.

It’s dead-simple: When deciding whether

to do something, if you feel anything less
than “Hell Yeah”, say “No”.
Dr. Christian Poensgen

TL;DR: 7 habits to transform your life (in

12 weeks):

1. Create your 3-3-3 plan for the day

2. Do Intermittent Digital Fasting
3. Get light right (10-10-10 rule)
4. Put in 90 mins of deep work
5. Use the physiological sigh
6. Drink 2-3 liters of water
7. Go “Hell Yeah or No”
Dr. Christian Poensgen

You just learned 7 habits to transform

your life in 12 weeks.

I’ll soon feature the best habits to go

minimalist in 2024.

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repost this to help others, too.

I delve deeper into the 7 habits in

tonight’s edition of my free newsletter.

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