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Your Knowledge Resource For Those On The Go Vol 89: The Health Benefits Of Deep Breathing

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It’s something you do every day but take for granted. It’s breathing and
most people have never taken a deep breath except when they yawn when
RESOURCES they get up in the morning.
But, what most people don’t know is that deep breathing has a lot of
Top 10 Takeaways health benefits, but they don’t practice it enough to experience them.
For A Deeper Dive This Masterclass is going to cover the health benefits of deep breathing.
You’re going to discover that many benefits to deep breathing can help you
Did You Know? relieve stress, help you feel less pain, and detoxify your body.
So, let’s get started!
This Week’s Inspiring
Deep Breathing Decreases Stress
My Favorite Quotes
The good news about deep breathing is it helps you destress so you can
On The Health Benefits
Of Deep Breathing focus on the task at hand. This is important because the brain releases corti-
sol, which is the body’s stress hormone.
When you have a lot of cortisol in your system, it makes you less likely to
Upcoming Issues relax because cortisol serves to raise your blood pressure and makes it more
likely to gain weight.
That’s because cortisol raises blood sugar by releasing stored glucose. If
you have chronically high blood glucose, it increases your chances of getting
type 2 diabetes.

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The Health Benefits Of Deep Breathing

That’s why it’s critical to reduce cortisol levels, and Here’s how to do the 4-7-8 breathing technique:
deep breathing helps in that regard. It helps you relax, • Find a Comfortable Position: You can sit or lie
lowers your cortisol levels, and makes you less likely down, whichever is more comfortable. If you’re
to succumb to stress-related conditions. sitting, keep your back straight.
Of course, cortisol has a lot of positive uses in the
• Close Your Eyes: This will help you focus on your
fight-or-flight response. But you don’t want to be in
breathing and avoid external distractions.
a constant state of fight or flight if you want to have a
more relaxing life. It can do you a lot of good if you’re • Place the Tip of Your Tongue Against the Roof of
being chased by a bear, but not so good if you’re con- Your Mouth: This should be right behind your upper
stantly stressed out in your life. front teeth. Keep it there throughout the exercise.
The truth is stress is caused by our thoughts. If • Exhale Completely Through Your Mouth: Make a
you’re stressed out about the upcoming book report, an whoosh sound as you do this.
employee review from your boss, or a massive health • Close Your Mouth and Inhale Quietly Through
crisis, then you’re going to think about it over and over.
Your Nose: Count to four as you inhale.
This causes your body to feel like it’s under attack
and relies on primal instincts to survive whatever • Hold Your Breath: Count to seven.
you’re going through. Thus, the body then goes into • Exhale Completely Through Your Mouth: Again,
fight or flight mode and adrenaline is released into making a whoosh sound, for a count of eight.
your system. Your heart rate increases, your palm • That Completes One Breath Cycle: Now, repeat the
starts to sweat, and you’re fully alert. cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
This is your sympathetic nervous system, and what
the parasympathetic nervous system does is slow
down that response so you get back to normal and Deep Breathing Helps Relieve Pain
back out of that fight or flight state. Your muscles start There’s one thing a lot of people with chronic pain
to unclench and you start to relax. do to manage their pain and help themselves feel bet-
So, the next time you’re stressed out about life, try ter. They use deep breathing exercises to manage their
deep breathing to see if it will help you get out of that pain and help them live a normal life.
stressed-out state and help you become more relaxed.
That’s because deep breathing stimulates endor-
You’ll thank yourself as you’ll feel like you have more
phins, which is nature’s “feel good” chemical. Of
control over your situation so you can perform better.
course, when you’re feeling good, you’re not thinking
about pain a lot and, in fact, you can even drown the
The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique pain depending on the severity.
The 4-7-8 breathing technique, often referred to as Researchers at the National Institutes of Health
“relaxing breath,” is a simple breathing exercise de- wanted to see if slow deep breathing can help people
rived from ancient yogic practices. Dr. Andrew Weil, who are experiencing sudden pain. They looked into
a physician, and holistic health proponent, popular- various studies to see if this was true.
ized it in the West. Out of almost 12,000 studies they checked, only
This technique is believed to act as a natural tran- seven of them fit their criteria. From these seven stud-
quilizer for the nervous system, helping to reduce ies, they found that people who did slow deep breath-
anxiety, improve sleep, and manage stress. ing had less pain than those who didn’t.

Executive Book Summary 2

The Health Benefits Of Deep Breathing

Interestingly, the studies that focused on pain from This is especially true when it comes to deep breath-
burns showed the most reduction in pain when using ing because it allows more oxygen into the body.
slow deep breathing. However, the results varied a lot Think of oxygen as rocket fuel for your body. The
between studies. more of it you have, the more you’ll be able to func-
Right now, the evidence isn’t super strong, but it tion. Plus, it will also help you balance out the oxy-
suggests that taking slow, deep breaths might help gen-carbon dioxide levels in your blood, which can
reduce sudden pain. More research is needed to know lead to more energy.
for sure who can benefit from this method. Plus, many times, being in a constant stressed-out
state causes you to take shallow, rapid breaths. This is
Deep Breathing Helps Detoxify The Body the worst thing you can do when it comes to making
And Strengthen The Lymphatic System sure your body has plenty of oxygen going through it.
Deep breathing ensures that your blood is well-ox- In fact, researchers from Vrije Universiteit in Bel-
ygenated. Oxygen is essential for the survival of cells gium carried out a study that underscored the rela-
and for energy production within cells. tionship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
By promoting efficient oxygen delivery to cells and and breathing irregularities.
tissues, deep breathing indirectly supports the body’s The findings indicated that those with CFS often
natural metabolic processes, including those that help exhibit an abnormal breathing pattern, which in turn,
to “detoxify” or remove waste products. detrimentally affects their oxygen saturation levels.
Further, the lymphatic system plays a role in re- This anomaly can potentially exacerbate the symp-
moving waste products from tissues and regulating the toms of CFS, given the importance of oxygen for
immune system. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the cellular function and energy production.
lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart. Interestingly, the study also brought to light a
Movement, including the mechanical action of hopeful intervention. By adopting and regularly prac-
breathing, helps propel lymphatic fluid through the ticing basic breathing exercises, CFS patients exhibit-
body. Deep breathing can aid in moving lymph fluid, ed noticeable improvements in their condition.
which indirectly supports detoxification. These breathing techniques might aid in regulating
The primary function of the respiratory system is their respiratory rhythm, enhancing oxygen intake,
gas exchange. While the body takes in oxygen during
and potentially alleviating some of the fatigue and
inhalation, it also expels carbon dioxide (a byproduct
other symptoms associated with the syndrome.
of cellular metabolism) during exhalation. In addi-
So, the next time you need a jolt and you find
tion to carbon dioxide, the lungs also excrete small
amounts of volatile organic compounds through the yourself reaching for the latest caffeinated beverage,
breath. Deep breathing can facilitate the removal of give deep breathing a try. You’ll find yourself more
these compounds. energetic and alert in no time.

Deep Breathing Increases Your Energy Deep Breathing Helps You Stay Present In
And Boosts Your Alertness The Moment

It makes sense that if your body has more oxygen, Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful technique
it can help you feel more energy throughout the day. that can help people stay in the present moment.

Executive Book Summary 3

The Health Benefits Of Deep Breathing

Here’s how it works: boosting the chances of heart problems, and kidney
Our bodies and minds are deeply connected. problems, and could also damage the brain and eyes.
When we get stressed, anxious, or distracted, our There’s a lot of evidence when it comes to using
breathing often becomes shallow and rapid, as we deep breathing when it comes to lower anxiety and
mentioned before. This kind of breathing can make us even help prevent panic attacks. However, a recent
feel even more anxious. study showed that deep breathing can help lower
On the other hand, deep and slow breathing can blood pressure.
help us calm down. By focusing on taking slow, deep A recent article published in Frontiers in Physiolo-
breaths, we are sending a message to our body that gy looked at 339 articles and picked 20 for the review.
everything is okay. This helps reduce stress and anxi-
The 20 studies included people with different stages of
ety, making us feel more relaxed and centered.
hypertension, from mild to severe. These people were
Breathing deeply also provides a focal point for our
between 18 to 75 years old.
attention. In our daily lives, we often find ourselves
After doing breathing exercises, the systolic blood
thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
These thoughts can pull us away from what’s happen- pressure number went down by 4 to 54.22 points, and
ing right now. the diastolic decreased by 3 to 17 points.
However, when we pay attention to our breath, we One type of breathing you can implement to lower
bring our focus back to the present. Each inhale and your blood pressure and experience the other benefits
exhale becomes a reminder that we are alive in this of deep breathing is to practice diaphragmatic breath-
very moment. It’s like an anchor, holding us steady ing. This is also known as belly breathing.
amidst the chaos of our thoughts. This is how it works: you put one hand on your chest
Further, the act of deep breathing requires us to be and put the other hand on your belly. You then take a
aware of our bodies. We might notice how our chest deep breath through your nose, and not your mouth.
rises and falls, or how the air feels as it enters and While you’re breathing in, you’ll allow your belly to
exits our nostrils. fill up with air and your chest should not move.
This heightened awareness of our physical sensa- Then, breathe out slowly through the mouth and,
tions helps us connect with the here and now. Instead again, let the belly do all the work without moving
of being lost in thoughts or distractions, we become the chest.
more aware of our surroundings and how we feel in
the current moment.
In conclusion, deep breathing is a wonderful tool Deep Breathing Can Improve Your Posture
to help us stay in the present. It calms our mind and When you practice deep breathing, it requires you
body, provides a focal point for our attention, and to use your diaphragm, which is a muscle located be-
heightens our awareness of our physical sensations. low your lungs. This muscle helps to draw in and push
So, the next time you find your mind wandering or
out air from your lungs.
feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and experi-
When you breathe deeply and correctly, your
ence the power of the present moment.
diaphragm moves downward, allowing your lungs to
expand. As a result, your abdominal muscles engage.
Deep Breathing Can Help Lower Blood These muscles, which are part of your core, also
Pressure play a vital role in supporting your spine. When your
High blood pressure can be detrimental to a per- core is strong and active, it’s easier to maintain an
son because it can cause a lot of problems including upright and aligned posture.

Executive Book Summary 4

The Health Benefits Of Deep Breathing

Another benefit of deep breathing is that it can This is because increased oxygenation thanks to the
help reduce muscle tension. When we’re stressed or deep breathing exercises stimulates the vagus nerve,
anxious, our muscles tend to tighten up. This can lead and can lead to better digestion. So, if you’re experi-
to poor posture as our shoulders hunch and our necks encing digestion issues, give deep breathing a try in
jut forward. order to feel better.
However, taking deep breaths helps to calm the
mind, reduce stress, and relax these tense muscles. Deep Breathing Can Help You Sleep Better
When our muscles are relaxed, it’s easier to maintain a
The rhythmic nature of deep breathing also aids in
natural and healthy posture.
the shift of focus from external stimuli or wandering
Deep breathing often involves a level of mindful-
thoughts to a singular, calming activity. This focused at-
ness. When you pay close attention to your breath, you tention on one’s breath can act as a form of meditation.
are also more likely to notice the position of your body.
The mind, freed from the day’s worries or tomor-
For instance, if you’re slouching, it might feel more row’s to-do list, becomes more present. This mental
difficult to take a full, deep breath. On the other hand, stillness can help individuals transition from the
sitting or standing tall opens up your chest and makes busyness of the waking world to a state of readiness
deep breathing easier. for sleep.
Over time, as you prioritize deep breathing, you Lastly, the increased oxygen intake from deep
might find that you automatically correct your pos- breathing can promote better circulation and assist
ture without even thinking about it. cellular processes, ensuring that the body is adequate-
In conclusion, deep breathing isn’t just good for ly prepared for the reparative functions that take place
our lungs and overall well-being; it also has a positive during sleep.
effect on our posture. Proper oxygenation plays a vital role in various
By engaging the core, increasing our awareness, bodily systems, including the brain, which can influ-
and reducing muscle tension, deep breathing can help ence the quality and depth of sleep.
us stand taller and more confidently.
Deep Breathing Can Help With Digestion Deep breathing exercises are a great way to experi-
There’s one small effect that being stressed out all ence a lot of health benefits. This Masterclass covered
the time has on your body, and it’s your digestion. The many ways deep breathing can help you relax, lower
truth is if you’re stressed out, it can slow down diges- stress, and improve a lot of bodily processes.
tion and whatever digestion problems you may have A good strategy is to take the breathing exercises
can be magnified. in this Masterclass start small and work your way up
Deep breathing can be a great remedy for this. toward using these breathing exercises to stay calmer
That’s because it stimulates the vagus nerve, which and healthier.
is how the brain communicates with the gut. When
this happens, digestion is much smoother and there is
very little or no discomfort.

Executive Book Summary 5

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