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Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học

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Topic 1: Email to inform business partners/clients about price changes


Subject: Notification of Price Changes

Dear Valued Partners/Clients,

I am writing to inform you of some adjustments to our pricing structure. Effective May 1,
2024, we will be making minor revisions to the selling prices of select products and

These changes have become necessary in order for us to keep pace with rising operational
costs as well as to invest in new technologies aimed at enhancing our customer service

Please find the updated price list attached. We hope to continue enjoying your valued
patronage. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact me using the information provided below.


* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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• Notification of Price Changes Thông báo về Thay Đổi Giá Cả
• Revisions to the selling prices Điều chỉnh giá bán
• Operational costs Chi phí hoạt động
• Invest in new technologies Đầu tư vào công nghệ mới
• Customer service capabilities Khả năng phục vụ khách hàng
• Valued patronage Sự ủng hộ quý báu
• Point of contact Thông tin liên hệ
• Pricing structure Cấu trúc giá cả
• Minor adjustments Những điều chỉnh nhỏ
• Updated price list Bảng giá mới cập nhật


Dear Sir/ Madam,

As you know, we have not raised our prices for two years. Unfortunately, because of rising
costs, we now needed to increase our prices by 5 percent from 1st October.

We tried to avoid any increase but the quality of our products will suffer if we do not raise
prices. We are sure you will that quality is very important so we will continue to use the
best materials. We are keeping the rise small so that our prices remain competitive.

We enclose a new price list with this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact us.

We thank you for your business and look forward to supplying you in the future.

Yours faithfully,

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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Dear Sir / Madam,

We have not increased our prices for the past two years. Unfortunately, we must increase
our prices by 5 percent beginning October 1 due to growing expenses.

We attempted to avoid price increases, but if we do not, the quality of our products will
decline. We are confident that you agree that quality is extremely essential, so we will
continue employing only the best supplies. We are keeping the price increase minimal in
order to maintain competitiveness.

A new price list is included with this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you
have any queries.

We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

Yours sincerely,

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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Topic 2: Email requesting team to find new suppliers

Subject: Search for New Suppliers

Dear Team,

I am writing to request that each of you undertake the task of identifying potential new
suppliers for our company. This has become necessary as we have been experiencing some
issues with the quality and reliability of our current suppliers.

I would like you to complete the following assignments:

- Mr. Tuan: Research and reach out to at least 3 reputable new suppliers within our industry.
Provide information on their pricing, product/service quality, and customer feedback.

- Ms. Lan: Evaluate the new supplier options and compare them to our existing suppliers.
Recommend the most suitable new suppliers that align with our company's requirements.

- Mr. Hung: Liaise with the selected new suppliers, negotiate terms and conditions of

Please provide a progress report by next week. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any questions.


• Undertake the task Thực hiện nhiệm vụ
• Identify potential new suppliers Tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp mới tiềm năng
• Quality and reliability issues Vấn đề về chất lượng và độ tin cậy
• Reach out to suppliers Liên lạc với nhà cung cấp
• Evaluate the new options Đánh giá các lựa chọn mới
• Align with company requirements Phù hợp với yêu cầu của công ty
• Negotiate terms and conditions Thương lượng điều khoản và điều kiện
• Progress report Báo cáo tiến độ
• Liaise with selected suppliers Liên lạc với nhà cung cấp được lựa chọn
• Streamline the supply chain Tối ưu hóa chuỗi cung ứng
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* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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Topic 3: Email responding with advice for a coworker's trip/presentation ideas

Subject: Feedback on Travel/Presentation Ideas

Dear [Coworker's Name],

I was delighted to receive your email and am happy to share some thoughts on your
upcoming travel plans and presentation ideas.

Regarding your trip, I would suggest thoroughly researching the destination, local culture,
and customs. This will help you prepare better and have more enriching experiences during
your travels. Additionally, consider mapping out some leisure activities and sightseeing
opportunities to make the most of your time.

As for your presentation, I recommend focusing on the key takeaways and maintaining a
coherent flow. Avoid overwhelming the audience with excessive information. You may
also want to prepare a few discussion questions to engage the participants. Finally, be sure
to practice your delivery thoroughly before the actual presentation.

I hope these suggestions prove useful to you. Please feel free to reach out if you require
any further assistance.

Wishing you a successful trip and presentation!

• Thoroughly research the destination Tìm hiểu kỹ lưỡng về địa điểm
• Local culture and customs Văn hóa và phong tục địa phương
• Enriching travel experiences Những trải nghiệm du lịch đáng giá
• Map out leisure activities Lập kế hoạch các hoạt động vui chơi
• Coherent flow of the presentation Sự liên kết chặt chẽ trong bài thuyết trình
• Avoid overwhelming the audience Tránh quá tải thông tin cho khán giả
• Engage the participants Thu hút sự tham gia của khán giả
• Practice the delivery thoroughly Tập dượt kỹ lưỡng trước khi thuyết trình
• Constructive feedback Phản hồi có tính xây dựng
• Wish you success Chúc bạn thành công
* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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Topic 4: Email presenting a proposal for solutions to company problems

Subject: Proposal for Addressing Company Challenges

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to present a set of recommendations to address the key challenges facing our
company. After conducting a thorough investigation and analysis, I would like to put forth
the following proposals:

1. Product Quality Issues:

- Invest in new technologies and upgrade our manufacturing processes to improve product
- Strengthen quality control checks at every stage of the production cycle.
- Develop a comprehensive training program to upskill our production workforce.

2. Operational Efficiency:
- Review and restructure our workflows to reduce time and cost.
- Implement automation solutions to boost labor productivity.
- Enhance our data management systems and information-sharing within the organization.

3. Competitive Challenges:
- Research and develop new, more competitive products.
- Intensify our marketing efforts and brand promotion activities.
- Establish more attractive pricing strategies and promotional campaigns.

I believe these solutions will help the company overcome its current challenges and
strengthen our competitive position in the market. I welcome your feedback and look
forward to initiating the implementation process at the earliest convenience.


* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.
Agena TOEIC – Đạt Target Chỉ Với 1 Lần Học
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• Put forth recommendations Đưa ra các kiến nghị
• Conduct a thorough investigation Tiến hành nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng
• Restructure workflows Tái cấu trúc quy trình làm việc
• Boost labor productivity Tăng năng suất lao động
• Enhance data management systems Cải thiện hệ thống quản lý dữ liệu
• Intensify marketing efforts Tăng cường hoạt động marketing
• Establish attractive pricing strategies Xây dựng chiến lược định giá hấp dẫn
• Initiate the implementation process Bắt đầu quá trình triển khai
• Strengthen competitive position Tăng cường vị thế cạnh tranh

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham
* Written by Agena English Center.

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