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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Affiliated. Academic Year (2024-2025)


A Report for

Design Engineering II A (3160001)

Submitted by
DISHA DEVGHARE (211250107078)

Guided by Prof. Khusboo Vyas

Department of Computer engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of


Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad


This is to certify that the Nalawade Ananya Mahesh Enrollment No

211250107004 of Semester 6th, Department of Computer Engineering has

satisfactorily completed the work under the “College Information

Chatbot” in Design Engineering II A (3160001) course within the four walls of

the Institute.

Prof. Khusboo Vyas Prof. Darshan Patel

Internal Guide Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of

Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Israni Simran Hareshkumar Enrollment No

211250107029 of Semester 6th, Department of Computer Engineering has

satisfactorily completed the work under the “College Information

Chatbot” in Design Engineering II A (3160001) course within the four walls of

the Institute.

Prof. Khusboo Vyas Prof. Darshan Patel

Internal Guide Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of



This is to certify that the Patel Nidhi Sanjaybhai Enrollment No 211250107056

of Semester 6th, Department of Computer Engineering has satisfactorily

completed the work under the “College Information Chatbot” in Design

Engineering II A (3160001) course within the four walls of the Institute.

Prof. Khusboo Vyas Prof. Darshan Patel

Internal Guide Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute

of Technology ,Bhat


This is to certify that the Disha Devghare Enrollment No 211250107078 of

Semester 6th, Department of Computer Engineering has satisfactorily completed

the work under the “College Information Chatbot” in Design Engineering II A

(3160001) course within the four walls of the Institute.

Prof. Khusboo Vyas Prof. Darshan Patel

Internal Guide Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute

Of Technology, Bhat

College Information Chatbot
(Enhancing Student Experience)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, there is a growing need for innovative
solutions to streamline access to essential information and services for students. This paper
introduces an Intelligent College Information Chatbot, designed to enhance the overall student
experience by providing a user-friendly and efficient interface for accessing diverse college-
related information.

The chatbot leverages natural language processing and machine learning technologies to
understand and respond to user queries in real-time. By integrating with existing college
databases, websites, and information systems, the chatbot ensures accurate and up-to-date
responses across various domains, including admissions, academic programs, campus
facilities, events, and administrative processes.


Figure Figure Page No

No Description
1.2.1 AEIOU Canvas 9
1.3.1 Mind Mapping Canvas 11
1.4.1 Empathy Canvas 12
1.5.1 Ideation Canvas 15
1.6.1 LNM Canvas 17
1.7.1 PAS 19
1.7.2 Newspaper Cutouts 20
2.1.1 Product Development Canvas 26 Prototype Image 28 Customer Revalidation 29 Modification Image 30


Chapter No Chapter Title

Chapter 1 Problem Definition
1.1 Introduction of Domain
1.2 AEIOU Framework
1.3 Mind Mapping
1.4 Empathy Sheet
1.5 Ideation Canvas
1.6 LNM Canvas
1.7 Prior Art Search
1.8 Reverse Engineering

Chapter 2 Possible Solutions

2.1 Product Development Canvas
2.2 Prototyping
2.2.1 Prototype Image of Prototype Description Customer Revalidation Modification

Chapter 1
Problem Definition

1.1 Introduction of Domain:

A college information chatbot serves as a virtual assistant designed to provide

seamless and personalized support within an educational institution.
Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, it assists students, faculty, and
staff by offering information on admissions, course details, events, and campus
services. This innovative tool enhances communication, streamlines processes,
and contributes to a more connected and informed college community. Whether
aiding in registration, answering inquiries, or promoting campus events, the
college information chatbot optimizes the user experience, fostering efficiency
and engagement within the academic environment.

In this generation where everything is fast, our project stands out as a quick
solution for everyone seeking college information. Our project mainly focuses
on quick and up-to-date responses to college-related queries.

1.2 AEIOU Framework:

1.2.1 AEIOU Canvas Image

Figure.1.2.1 AEIOU Canvas

1.2.2 Description
● Providing Information
● Course recommendation
● Collecting feedback
● Offering Guidance
● Admission process
● Assisting with application
● Providing support

● Development
● Runtime

● Integration
● Testing
● Natural Language Processing(NLP)
● Monitoring & Analysis


● Students to robot
● Robot to parents
● Guardians to robot
● Robot to faculty
● Staff to robot
● Robot to Students

● Intent recognition
● Error handling
● API Integration
● User Input
● Database
● Logging

● Parent and Guardian

● International Students
● Faculty and staff
● Prospective Students
● Current students
● General public
● Alumni

1.3 Mind Mapping:
1.3.1 Mind Mapping Canvas Image

Figure.1.3.1 Mind Mapping Canvas

1.3.2 Description
College Information Chatbot mind mapping includes the entities Users, Activities,
Benefits, Features, Tools and Solutions. Users contains Alumni, prospective student,
faculty & staff, International students, general public, current students and parents.
Activities contains Admission process, providing support, collecting feedback,
providing information, offering guidance and source recommendation. Benefits
contains Emergency information, information accessibility and student support.
Features contains user onboarding, admission assistance, event updates, feedback
collection and privacy & security. Tools contains UI, CSS, HTML, Natural Language
Processing, Dialog flow and Administrative backend. Solutions contains Query
solutions, quick response and customer satisfaction.

1.4 Empathy Sheet
1.4.1Empathy Canvas Image

Figure.1.4.1 Empathy Canvas


● Prospective Students
● Parents & Guardians
● Faculty & Staff
● Alumni
● Current Students
● International Students
● General Public

● College Administrative
● Faculty & Staff
● Community
● IT & Development Teams
● Board of trustees

● Source Recommendation
● Collecting Feedback
● Admission process
● Providing Support
● Offering Guidance
● Providing Information
● Assisting with applications

Story Boarding

In the bustling corridors of AcademiaTech, ElysiumBot became the campus beacon. Guiding
students with a cheerful demeanor, it transformed college life. Timely updates, personalized
advice, and a touch of humor made ElysiumBot an indispensable friend. Each interaction, brought
smiles, simplified tasks, and enriched the college journey for all.

In the vibrant realm of WisdomU, BeaconBot illuminated the college experience. Seamlessly
assisting students, it offered event updates, course guidance, and friendly advice. With a cheerful
interface, BeaconBot became a trusted ally, fostering joy and success in every student's academic
journey at WisdomU.
In the digital silence of AcademiaTech, EchoBot, the once-vibrant college information
chatbot, faded into neglect. Abandoned by administrators, it struggled with outdated
data, leaving students stranded during critical academic moments. The echoes of errors
replaced its friendly responses, reflecting the melancholy of an untended, obsolete
In the virtual halls of AcademiaTech, ElysiumBot once thrived. Neglected by the
administration, it became obsolete, its once-helpful responses now echo solitude.
Students left in confusion during crucial times, missed its comforting virtual presence.
ElysiumBot faded away, a silent reminder of the cost of neglect in the digital realm.

1.5 Ideation Canvas
1.5.1 Ideation Canvas Image

Figure.1.5.1 Ideation Canvas

1.5.2 Description

● Parents & Guardians

● Prospective students
● International students
● Alumni
● General Public
● Current Students
● Faculty & Staff


● Admission process

● Providing information
● Providing support
● Offering guidance
● Collecting feedback
● Assisting with applications


● Mobile Application
● College websites
● Social media platform
● Email and telephone services
● Messaging application
● Virtual event and webinars


● Natural language Processing

● Machine learning
● Chat with Admission counselor
● Database
● Admission information
● Interactive FAQ

1.6LNM Canvas

1.6.1 LNM canvas Image

Figure 1.6.1 LNM Canvas

1.6.2 Description

Purpose/Product concept:
⮚ Automated Inquiry/ Problem Solving

❖ During BE II

Software/Simulation/Skill/mathematical requirement:
⮚ Knowledge about college
⮚ Communication skill
Tools/Methods/Theories/Application Process Involved:
⮚ Dialog flow
⮚ Integration with college systems

Application Standards and Design Specifications:

⮚ Knowledge base maintenance
⮚ Accessibility Standards

⮚ User Authentication
⮚ Event trigger system

❖ During BE III

Software/Simulation/Skill/mathematical requirement:
⮚ User Experience design skill
⮚ Guidance to college admission process

Tools/Methods/Theories/Application Process Involved:


Application Standards and design specifications:

⮚ User requirement analysis
⮚ Scalability

⮚ Code editor
⮚ Design Assets

❖ During BE IV

Software/Simulation/Skill/mathematical requirement:
⮚ Machine Learning
⮚ Privacy and Security

⮚ Coding and debugging

Tools/Methods/Theories/Application Process Involved:

⮚ Administrative backend
⮚ Natural Language Processing (NPL)
⮚ User Interface

Application Standards and design specifications:

⮚ Multiplatform Compatibility
⮚ Testing and quality assurance
⮚ Feedback mechanism standards

⮚ Dialog management
⮚ Computing Assurance

1.7 Prior Art Search

1.7.1 Introduction

A college information chatbot serves as a virtual assistant, aiding students, faculty, and
staff with queries regarding admissions, courses, events, and campus services. Here are
some of our prior art searches before taking up the project. Here in the prior art search,
we have gathered some information from online portals, newspaper cutouts from google,
and some articles. It also includes some videos from YouTube.

Figure 1.7.1 PAS

1.7.2 Below are some newspaper cutouts:

fig. 1.7.2 Newspaper cutouts

1.7.3 Below are some video links:


1.7.4 Below are some article links:

1.8 Reverse Engineering

1.8.1 Overview of Reverse Engineering

● Reverse engineering, sometimes called back engineering, is a process in which software,

machines, aircraft, architectural structures and other products are deconstructed to extract design
information from them. Often, reverse engineering involves deconstructing individual
components of larger products. The reverse engineering process enables you to determine how a
part was designed so that you can recreate it. Companies often use this approach when purchasing
a replacement part from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) is not an option.

● The reverse engineering process is named as such because it involves working backward through
the original design process. However, you often have limited knowledge about the engineering
methods that went into creating the product. Therefore, the challenge is to gain a working
knowledge of the original design by disassembling the product piece-by-piece or layer-by-layer.

● Here we are going to reverse engineer the College information chatbot which is a chatbot that
helps the inquirer to get information regarding his or her college-related queries.

1.8.2 How does it work?

A college information chatbot works by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language
processing (NLP) technologies to interact with users in a conversational manner. Here's a simplified
explanation of how a college information chatbot typically works:

1. User Input:
- Users interact with the chatbot by typing or speaking queries. These queries can range from
general questions about the college to specific inquiries about courses, admissions, events, or other
relevant topics.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

- The chatbot uses NLP aconversationallynderstand the user's input. NLP enables the chatbot to
interpret the meaning behind the words and determine the user's intent.

3. Intent Recognition:
- Based on the user's input, the chatbot identifies the intent behind the query. For example, the
user might be asking about admission requirements, course details, or campus events.

4. Knowledge Base Access:

- The chatbot accesses a knowledge base or database containing information about the college.
This knowledge base is pre-populated with relevant data such as program details, admission
procedures, event schedules, and other institutional information.

5. Response Generation:
- Using the identified intent and the information from the knowledge base, the chatbot generates a
response. The response is designed to be relevant, informative, and tailored to the user's query.

6. User Interaction:
- The chatbot delivers the response to the user in a conversational manner. Users can continue the
conversation by asking follow-up questions or seeking clarification on specific topics.

7. Iterative Learning:
- Some college information chatbots incorporate machine learning algorithms to improve their
performance over time iteratively. These algorithms analyze user interactions and feedback,
allowing the chatbot to learn from experience and enhance its responses.

8. Integration with College Systems:

- In more advanced implementations, the chatbot may be integrated with college databases,
systems, or APIs to provide real-time information. This ensures that the information presented is
accurate and up-to-date.

9. Multichannel Accessibility:
- College information chatbots are often designed to be accessible through multiple channels,
including websites, mobile apps, and messaging platforms. This ensures users can engage with the
chatbot using their preferred communication method.

10. Security and Privacy:

- Depending on the nature of the information being handled, college information chatbots
implement security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.

By combining these elements, a college information chatbot provides users with a convenient and
efficient way to access relevant information, navigate college processes, and engage with the
institution in a more interactive and user-friendly manner.

1.8.3 Some problems faced by users while using this product

Users may encounter several challenges or problems while using a college information chatbot. Some
common issues include:

1. Misunderstanding User Queries:

- Chatbots may struggle to accurately interpret ambiguous or complex user queries, leading to
irrelevant or inaccurate responses.

2. Limited Conversational Abilities:

- Some chatbots may have limitations in their conversational abilities, making it challenging to
engage in nuanced or extended discussions.

3. Lack of Personalization:

- Users may find the chatbot responses generic, and lacking personalization. Tailoring responses to
individual preferences and needs can be a challenge.

4. Inaccurate Information:
- If the chatbot's knowledge base is not regularly updated, users may receive outdated or incorrect

5. Complex Processes:
- Users may face difficulties if the chatbot guides them through complex processes, such as
admissions or course registrations, without providing sufficient clarity or support.

6. Security Concerns:
- Users may be hesitant to input sensitive information into a chatbot, raising concerns about the
security and privacy of their data.

7. Limited Emotional Understanding:

- Chatbots may struggle to understand and respond appropriately to emotionally charged or
contextually complex situations.

8. Language Barriers:
- Users who speak languages other than the default language of the chatbot may experience
challenges if the chatbot lacks robust language support.

9. Technical Glitches:
- Technical issues, such as slow response times, system errors, or connectivity problems, can frustrate
users and hinder their experience.

10. Limited Integration with Systems:

- If the chatbot is not seamlessly integrated with other college systems or databases, users may face
difficulties obtaining real-time and accurate information.

11. User Resistance to Automation:

- Some users may prefer human interactions over automated responses, leading to resistance or
skepticism towards chatbot usage.

12. Difficulty in Escalating Issues:

- Users may encounter challenges when trying to escalate complex issues or seeking assistance
beyond the capabilities of the chatbot.

1.8.4 Some changes to make in this product
To improve a college information chatbot, we need to update and change a few things. To improve the
chatbot's ability to understand and respond to complex user queries more accurately and efficiently. Integrate
with college systems to provide users with up-to-date information on events, course availability, and other
relevant updates. Regularly update and expand the chatbot's knowledge base to include a wider range of topics
and frequently asked questions. Implement multilingual capabilities to accommodate users who speak
languages other than the default language. Provide users with guidance on how to effectively use the chatbot
and offer assistance when needed. Include additional services such as virtual campus tours, academic advising,
and alumni networking to further support users. Allow users to seamlessly transfer to human agents for
complex queries or issues that cannot be addressed by the chatbot. By implementing these changes, the college
information chatbot can evolve into a more robust, user-friendly, and effective tool for supporting the needs of
students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders within the college community.

Chapter 2
Possible Solutions
2.1Product Development Canvas

Figure 2.1 Product Development canvas


● Student Support
● Admission guidance
● Information Accessibility
● User Assistance
● Emergency Information


● Current Students
● Parents & Guardians
● Alumni
● Faculty & Staff
● International Students
● General Public

Product Experience:
● Well-designed user interface
● Time saving
● Information accuracy

Product Functions:
● Admission information
● Student Support services
● Campus facilities & services
● Course registration assistance
● User feedback and survey

Product Features:
● Student Support services
● Feedback collection
● Natural language processing
● Course registration support
● Admission assistance
● User onboarding

● Event trigger system
● User Interface
● User Authentication
● Dialog management
● Machine learning algorithms
● Multichannel support

Customer Revalidation:
● Authentication management
● Data privacy
● Periodic User confirmation
● User feedback for validation

● User account management

Reject, Redesign, And Retain:

● Complex authentication
● Real-time updates
● Retain natural language processing capability
● Poor course registration feature

2.2 Prototyping
▪ Version1

● Image of Prototype

Figure. Prototype Image

● Description

Here there is a simple hand drawn image of how the user’s screen will look like while using our
College information chatbot.

30 Customer Revalidation

Figure. Customer Revalidation

31 Modification

Figure. Modification Image


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