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TESDA Regional Training Center NCR

Ships’ Catering Services NC I

Answer Sheet: Task 6
Task sheet title: Applying modes ACCESS AND MAINTAIN INFORMATION
Name: Arnold Juvince Juaneza Date: September 18, 2023

Batch# SCS-NC 1 BATCH 5 Signature: _____________________

1. In General, how concerned are you about security on the internet? (e.g people reading your
email, finding out what websites you visit, etc.) Keep in mind that “security” can mean
privacy, confidentially, and/or proof identity for you or for someone else.

- Very concerned

2. How concerned are you security in relation to making purchases or banking over the
internet? Keep in mind that”security” can mean privacy, confidentially, and or/or proof of
identity for you or for someone else.

- Very concerned

3. One thing that makes it difficult to study internet security is people’s and business
reluctance to report security problems for fear of causing more problems for themselves. In
addition, it is not always clear where they should be reported. One idea is to have a
“clearinghouse” where security problems can be studied and tracked.

Would you report a security break-in of your personal machine or network to a

clearing house that maintains your anonymity?

- My answer is Yes. Why? Because not all the time you can share your belongings to other
sometimes you need privacy and tell them if they want to borrow your belongings just seek for
permission first. Before they borrowed your information / items

4. Would you report a security break-in of your personal machine or network to a

clearinghouse that does not maintain your anonymity?

- My answer is Yes. Why? Once your sensitive information has been leaked, it can spread
quickly from Dark Web forums to the public internet where it’s accessible to all.

5. Would you report a security break-in of your business machine or network to a

clearinghouse that maintain your anonymity?
- My answer is YES, Information compromises can affect other businesses, such as banks or
credit issuers. If names and Social Security numbers have been stolen, you can contact the
major credit bureaus for additional information or advice.

6. Would you report a security break-in of your business machine or network to a

clearinghouse that does not maintain your anonymity?

- My answer is No, Carefully monitor all your account transactions online.

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