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Grizzly Girl: A Superhero

1. 1How did Belle start to change when she became Grizzly Girl? How do you think she felt?
She started to change when she became Grizzly Girl by shaking, growing fur and
growing long, pointed claws. Pupil’s own responses with justification.

2. Name all four of Grizzly Girl’s superpowers.

Grizzly Girl’s superpowers include: a really loud roar; talking to bears; super strength;
rolling into a ball of fur that can fly through the air.

3. What two things does she use her roar for?

She uses her roar to get honey, and to stop her enemies in their tracks.

4. What does ‘fortuitous’ mean?

‘Fortuitous’ means something that happened by chance and not on purpose.

5. Why is her superhero name a problem for her?

Her name says she is ‘grizzly’ but in fact she is lovely. People assume she is not a
friendly person but they are wrong.

6. Why do you think that the author has used bullet points on page 1
Answers such as: Bullet points make the information easier to read and more
interesting. They can be read in any order and the facts are all completely separate.

7. Which continent does Grizzly Girl help to protect?

North America

8. Find a word which means the opposite of ‘cheerful’


9. Why do you think the author has described her movement as like ‘a ricocheting bullet’?
A bullet is very fast, and ‘ricocheting’ means bouncing off surfaces. It makes her sound
quick and dangerous.

10. Why do you think Bernadette wants to be like Belle? If Grizzly Girl was your big sister,
would you want to be like her too? Explain your answer.
Pupils’ own responses with justification.

11. Choose a better subtitle for the paragraph called ‘Enemies’. Why is yours better?
Pupils’ own responses.

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