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Assignment-Unit 3


Gharuan, Mohali

Institute/Department: Academic Unit /CSE

Division: Academic Unit

Subject Name: Biology for Engineers

Subject Code: 23SZT-148

Assignment No.3

Max. Marks: 10


Sr. Group Question CO

No. No. Number
1 Group 1. Describe the process of recording an CO3
A electromyogram (EMG) and its relevance in assessing
muscle activity.

2. Explain the relationship between electrical stimulus

and biophysical activity in the human body.

3. Describe the electrical activity of the heart and how it

is measured using an electrocardiogram (ECG).

4. Discuss the importance of isolation amplifiers in

ensuring patient safety and preventing accidents.

5. Explain the significance of patient isolation in

biomedical recording systems and accident prevention
2 Group 1. Discuss other types of biomedical records and their CO3
B applications in medical diagnostics and research.

2. Explain the concept of tissue engineering and

discuss its potential applications in healthcare medicine.

3. Discuss the principles and applications of

recombinant DNA technology in tissue engineering.

4. Describe the role of stem cell biology in tissue

engineering and regenerative.

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