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1 Tables

This a
table and it has a really re-
ally really really really re-
a ally long cell

A multiple column
1 2 3

A multiple 5 6
row 8 9

Title Views Watch Hours
Bayes’ Theorem - The Simplest Case 943,912 45,553
Intro to Conditional Probability 795,451 39,108
Intro to LaTeX : Learn to write beauti-
611,650 34,301
ful math equations —— Part 1
We need to talk about cheating in uni-
540,647 47,977
Conditional Statements: if p then q 436,739 20,421
What is cos( cos( cos( cos( cos( cos( cos(
400,676 21,940
cos( cos( cos( cos( cos(. . .

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