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THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine, Third Edition

Your Name: Wendbe Josue Koudougou Student Number: 035003138 Date: 04/09/2023

1. Ministry Activity Date: 04/07/2023

Description of Ministry Activity and its Content: I preached a sermon to the church members, after
sharing the gospel with the nonbelievers during the week of Passover, from April 2-7, 202.

Course Content by Chapter, Lesson, or Page: Chapter 2 and 3 of Unit 2. While sharing the gospel I
explained to people how God love them and send His Son Jesus to suffer, die on the cross to save them. This is
what Passover is all about (IST, page 27 to 57).

2. Results: During the week of Passover, from Monday to Friday, April 2 to 7, 2023, the Evangelization
Team led by me, mobilized the church members to share the gospel with at least 05 people every day. Church
members were provided with 2,500.0 gospel tracts for the Easter outreach. Personally, I shared the gospel with 25
people at my job location at the Living Room/Drop-In-Center, a homeless shelter. People were opened and
interested about Jesus.
On Friday night, April 7, 2023 we had a time of testimony, and church members shared new experience they
had while sharing the gospel with nonbelievers during the week.

3. Record Numbers here:

Unbelievers witnessed to: 25 people New Decisions for Christ? 00
Holy Spirit Baptism? 00 Others: 25 Gospel tracts shared

4. Reflection:
Did this satisfy an evident need in others? How so?
Yes, through this activity, nonbelievers were exposed to the gospel, with opportunity to receive Christ and
be saved. Also this activity helped the church members to share the gospel. With the gospel tracts provided some
were able to overcome fear and share their faith in Jesus with nonbelievers.

Were you adequately prepared to engage in this activity? Why or why not?
Yes, I was adequately prepared to engage in this evangelization outreach, because from the course content
studied on Unit 2, I was able to better understand the notion of salvation and explain it to others. For instance, a
simple biblical framework to follow is provided in the course (IST, page 65).
What positive or negative feelings were you aware of while you were completing this activity?
While completing this activity, I was happy to apply the content of this course to the assignment. Also I
had the feeling that the Holy Spirit will use us to touch people lives, during the outreach.

In what ways were you aware of the Holy Spirit’s help during your ministry activity?
I was aware of the Holy Spirit’s help while sharing the gospel. I was confident of His presence in me to
give me power to witness to people according to Jesus’s promise in Acts chapter 1 verse 8.

What would you change if you did this activity again?

If I have to do this activity again, I would like to improve the way of approaching people to talk about
Jesus. Take time to build a strong relationship with nonbelievers with whom I want to win for Christ. In the
course, the author said that we cannot win the lost unless we come into contact with them (IST, page 65).

What strengths and weakness within yourself did this assignment reveal to you?
A weakness this assignment reveal within me is the lack of time. I need to spend more hours in prayers
and preparation.

Did you receive feedback about this activity? If so, describe.

Yes, nonbelievers were opened to receive the message of the gospel. Also church members have testified
that they have experienced new things in their effort to share the gospel. All the Glory to God.

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