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Lynn is a college student. She was planning to have a reunion with her high school
classmates who are Ryan, Grace, Mavis, and Liam. Therefore, she did online research for the
best place for their reunion. However, she did not find any suitable places. Then, she decided
to ask her Instagram followers on their opinion and one of them suggested to go to a funfair
near the town. Without thinking twice, Lynn took that idea and sent the location to all her

The day has come. They went to the funfair that was suggested. Lynn was so excited and
felt over the moon to meet all her friends after so many years. Lynn hugged Grace tightly as
their eyes met. They both were best friends during the school era, and they haven’t met since
then. Ryan was looking very tall than before while Mavis and Liam were still friends since
their house were close to each other. Lynn was shocked to see the huge and colourful funfair
in front of her. She never knew that there was this kind of place in her town. The funfair was
crowded with people and there were so many activities that people can try there.

Then, they rushed to ride the merry-go-round because Grace really wanted to ride that.
The queue was long, so Liam and Ryan went to buy watermelon juice and a set of churros
with chocolate sauce on the food stall. Grace captured a lot of photographs by her disposable
during the waiting time. Finally, their time arrived. They were happy as a lark to ride that
together. As soon as the carousel moved up and down, the smile and laughter were shown in
their face. Suddenly, the carousel stopped for a while and moved the other way followed by
creepy song. Mavis sensed something weird about the ride, but he did not want to spoil their
day together. They all were playing it cool, and Lynn tried to hide her fear in front of Grace
to make her happy.

When the carousel stopped, five of them quickly went down and rushed to try another
ride. They thought it was probably had something wrong with the carousel machine and
decided to ignore what just happened. Ryan then suggested them to try the Ferris wheel.
After a very long queue, they finally managed to get on the ride. At first, it was great and
fascinating until Mavis suddenly realised that everyone on the ride was not moving. It looks
like all of them have turned into the mannequin. Lynn started to get panic, but her friends
managed to calm her down until the ride finished. Surprisingly, everything seems to be
normal after the ride. All of them stand still in front of the Ferris wheel with the look of
shocked and confused about what was just happened.

After that, Lynn and her friends decided to play haunted house as their last activity for
that night. When they entered the haunted house, they could only see vaguely because there
are only some candles as a light source in the house. They heard many sounds when walking
in the haunted house such as footsteps on the stair, creaking doors, and glass smashing. All of
a sudden, they saw a crying woman in a white T-shirt with blood stains on it who was
running towards them. The stuttering movements of the ghost made it hard to predict, so they
didn’t know whether to run or hide. Lynn was very scared and hardly breathing at all. She
was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding her in a tightening grip. Then, Grace
suddenly screamed and became uncontrollable. She wanted to strangle Liam, but she could
not fight Liam's strength and collapsed on the floor.

After the situation calmed down a bit, they tried to find a way out as soon as
possible. As they were about to reach the exit, a shadow ran out in front of them and pressed
a glowing red button. Suddenly, all the doors slammed shut and metal bars came down over
the windows. Out of the blue, a creepy clown appeared behind them holding a knife. Lynn
and her friends started to panic and ran towards the exit door that was still closed. Lynn
knocked on the door as hard as she could while screaming and passed out because being too
scared. Then, thankfully, she heard someone calling her name. When she opened her eyes,
she was in her bedroom and saw her mother waking her from sleep. She fell asleep after
coming home from school and the scary trip to the funfair was just a dream. That night, while
having dinner together, Lynn’s brother asked his family out to a place this weekend. When he
showed her the picture he wanted to go to, the picture was the funfair picture she dreamt
about yesterday. She felt goosebumps.

-syamimi, suhannah & ilham.

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