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Gejon Hosea P.

BT – 2102

Human – Computer Interaction

07 Task Performance 1

1. .To develop MVC in ASP.NET, you must first divide the Controller, View, and Model components
using Visual Studio. The following are the fundamental stages to setting up an MVC project in
Visual Studio. Open Visual Studio and create an ASP.NET new project. Choose the "ASP.NET Web
Application" template. Remember to start a new project using the "MVC" template. Acknowledge
the MVC framework. This is where the controllers that handle user input are situated. Business
logic and application data are contained in models. HTML templates and user interfaces are
contained in View.

2. The modularity and maintainability, parallel development, and scalability of an MVC framework
are the main benefits for developing interactive systems. A modular structure is encouraged by
MVC, in which the controller, view, and model are separate parts. As a result, it is simpler to
comprehend, alter, and maintain each system component separately. Development teams are able
to operate concurrently on various MVC architectural components. Without interfering with one
other's work, developers may concentrate on controllers, designers on views, and data
professionals on models. Because modifications to one component don't always impact the others,
scaling a program is easier as it gets larger. Particularly useful in expansive and intricate interactive
systems is its scalability.

3. The Model and View are two separate parts with different roles in an MVC framework. The
Model manages, processes user input, and handles business rules in addition to representing the
application's data and business logic. It communicates with external data sources, databases, and
APIs to alert the View of changes in the data. In contrast, the View asks the user questions and
displays the data to them. It manages the visual representation and user interaction but is not
concerned with presentation details or user interfaces. While the View records and transmits
user input to the Controller, the Model does not engage in direct user interaction.

4. Learning about frameworks for interactive system development is essential for developers and
teams that want to create applications that are reliable, scalable, and effective. By offering pre-
established structures, parts, and patterns, it promotes uniformity and standardization and
boosts production and efficiency. In addition, frameworks control complexity, promote reusable
code components, speed up prototyping and development, and incorporate security best
practices. Well-known frameworks have a strong developer community that offers forums,
guides, and documentation. Additionally feasible is cross-platform programming, which gives
programmers access to a larger market. In order to improve employability and chances for career
progress, frameworks are frequently updated to include new technology and adapt to current
trends. Furthermore, frameworks Elements that improve user experience and match end-user
expectations are frequently included in designs for interactive systems.

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