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Teens in nature are very curious human beings.

The raging hormones and curiosity sometimes is

one of the dangers that we need to be aware of. The lack of education inside the household itself
makes us ignorant and oblivious to things that should actually matter. Upon watching the webinar I
suddenly remembered the time when I stumbled upon a tiktok video in which her Mom said “I know you
are very curious and I know it can’t be helped, you’re a teen and is usually curious and would want to
explore, now I will not prohibit you in engaging to things like that but I will teach you properly how to do
that and how to be safe.” Her Mom was talking about safe sex, not just about avoiding getting pregnant
but how to avoid getting diseases and illnesses she might get from sex.
Undeniably, sex education is poorly taught in the country. Sometimes the topic is considered
taboo as it talks about reproductive organs and genitalia, but as what it said in the webinar, “IT IS
OKAY,” there’s no shame in learning, there’s no harm in being safe and being aware. Teens and of
course adults also should learn about it. It is the awkwardness that prohibits the household to talk about
it. It should really come first from the parents to warn their child the risk it brings. It is their duty also to
educate their children about the matter, but how can they? When they lack knowledge too regarding
that matter?
Now, HIV/AIDs and STD’s campaign are doing their job, but to my observation, even the teens,
at least some of them feels funny whenever the mention of genitalia or sex organs. This shows that they
were taught wrong. For adults, these words are very scandalous to blurt out. The malice is always there
because again, they were poorly educated regarding the matter also.
These diseases are very dangerous, it has no cure thus the only thing we need to do is know how
to avoid it. Aside from the danger it brings to your health, the person you had an intercourse with is also
vulnerable to the disease if they are unprotected, worst case scenario, if ever there will be a product the
infant would more likely be affected also, no cure and the immune system is the target of the virus
which can lead to death.
Innocence is also more likely be ignorant. Some are praised because they are too innocent about
these matter but it is not a flex anymore. It is not something to be proud of. The older we get we are
responsible of ourselves thus it is our responsible to be knowledgeable enough to these kind of things.
Consult a doctor, talk about it to a professional, there shouldn’t be shame upon that matter as it is one
of the issue that should be addressed. Again, IT IS OKAY, it is okay to talk about it. It shouldn’t be
censored, it should not be a taboo, it should not be awkward because those are real and those are not
curse words or bad words for us to avoid from blurting it out.
There are different ways to avoid and prevent us from getting the disease, there is abstinence,
use of contraceptives, honesty and understanding to your sex partner, proper hygiene and being
knowledgeable enough is also ways to prevent it.
Sex education should be taught with passion and properly here in the country. As the results of
poorly taught sex education is very evident now. Teenage pregnancy affects poverty and vice versa, the
danger of getting HIV/Aids and STD’s also and the number of people acquiring it is more likely to reach
hundred in the region how much more in the country? And also those that aren’t even aware they
acquire such disease and symptoms are already showing.

In conclusion, let us all be knowledgeable, be educated and practice safe sex. Innocence makes
us ignorant, and ignorance makes us stupid.

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