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Conflict in A Midsummer’s Night Dream (The Athenian Lovers)

Egues and Hermia

Egeus wants his daughter Hermia to marry Demetrius, but she loves Demetrius because she
loves Lysander. She runs away with Lysander, so they can be together.

Oberon and Puck (Character versus Character)

Puck makes the mistake of squeezing the love juice in Lysander’s eyes instead of Demetrius,
and it cause chaos as Lysander falls in love with Helena. The fairies correct their mistake.
Hermia and Lysander (Character versus Character)
Lysander loves Hermia when he is under the spell of the love juice. This causes problems
with him and Hermia. The fairies correct this error, and he loves Hermia again.

Hermia and Athens (Character versus Society)

Hermia has a challenge with the laws of Athens that she must marry the man her father
chooses or be put to death.

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