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Knowledge Alchemy: Crafting Brilliance.

In the dawn of knowledge, a world unfurls,

Where minds ignite, like wisdom’s pearls.
Education, the beacon, the guiding light,
A journey embarked, from day to night.

In the corridors of learning, echoes ring,

A symphony of thoughts, the joy it brings.
Books are keys to gates unknown,
Unlocking realms where dreams have grown.

From alphabets to equations complex,

Education’s journey, a profound annex.
Curiosity sparked, a flame in the soul,
A pursuit of wisdom, a lifelong goal.

In classrooms humming with curiosity’s hum,

Seeds of knowledge, like flowers, become.
Teachers, the sowers, nurturing minds,
Igniting a passion that forever binds.

Mathematics’ dance, poetry’s embrace,

History’s whispers, science’s grace.
The canvas of learning, broad and vast,
A tapestry woven, memories cast.

Empowered minds, the winds of change,

Through the valleys of ignorance, we arrange.
Education, the compass, true and fair,
Guiding us through the paths we dare.

In the realm of words, ideas take flight,

Education, the canvas, imagination’s light.
A melody of progress, a harmonious song,
Where each note of learning makes us strong.

Beyond the pages, beyond the grades,

Education’s essence, in actions cascades.
To solve problems, to question, to discern,
In the tapestry of wisdom, we yearn.

So let us celebrate the gift so grand,

The transformative power, across the land.
For in the pursuit of knowledge, we find,
The wings of education, to elevate humankind.
Originating from-
Swra Mehta 8th B.

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