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GIS data is not perfect.

Like any other data, it can contain errors or inaccuracies that may affect the results
of GIS analysis. Some common sources of errors in GIS data include incomplete or outdated data sources,
errors in data entry or conversion, imprecise or inaccurate measurements, and inherent limitations of the data
collection method. Those who work with GIS data should understand that error, inaccuracy, and imprecision
can affect the quality of many types of GIS projects, in the sense that errors that are not accounted for can
turn the analysis in a GIS project to a useless exercise.
Understanding error inherent in GIS data is critical to ensuring that any spatial analysis performed using
those datasets meets a minimum threshold for accuracy. The saying, “Garbage in, garbage out” applies all
too well when data that is inaccurate, imprecise, or full of errors is used during analysis.
The power of GIS resides in its ability to use many types of data related to the same geographical area to
perform the analysis, integrating different datasets within a single system. When a new dataset is loaded into
a GIS software application, the software imports not only the data, but also the error that the data contains.
The first action to take care of the problem of error is being aware of it and understanding the limitations of
the data being used.


Accuracy and precision are both important aspects of GIS data quality, but they refer to different things.
In order to really understand the relevance of accuracy and precision, we should start getting the difference
between both terms:
Accuracy can be defined as the degree or closeness to which the information on a map matches the values in
the real world. Therefore, when we refer to accuracy, we are talking about quality of data and about number
of errors contained in a certain dataset.
In GIS data, accuracy can be referred to a geographic position, but it can be referred also to attribute, or
conceptual accuracy.
Precision refers how exact is the description of data. Precise data may be inaccurate, because it may be
exactly described but inaccurately gathered. (Maybe the surveyor made a mistake, or the data was recorded
wrongly into the database).
In the series of images above, the concept of precision versus accuracy is visualized. The crosshair of each
image represents the true value of the entity and the red dots represent the measure values.

Image A is precise and accurate, image B is precise but not accurate, image C is accurate but imprecise,
Image D is neither accurate nor precise.
Understanding both accuracy and precision is important for assessing the usability of a GIS dataset. When a
dataset is inaccurate but highly precise, corrective measures can be taken to adjust the dataset to make it
more accurate.
Error involves assessing both the imprecision of data and its inaccuracies.


Some sources of error in GIS data are very obvious, whereas others are more difficult to notice. GIS
software can make the users to think that their data is accurate and precise to a degree that is not quite real.
Scale Of GIS Data
Scale, for example, is an inherent error in cartography; depending on the scale used, we will be able to
represent different type of data, in a different quantity and with a different quality. Cartographers should
always adapt the scale of work to the level of detail needed in their projects. Related: GIS Data and the
Coastline Paradox
The age of data may be another obvious source of error. When data sources are too old, some, or a big part,
of the information base may have changed.
GIS users should always be mindful when using old data and the lack of currency to that data before using it
for contemporary analysis.
GIS Data Formatting Errors
There are some types of errors created when formatting data for processing. Changes in scale, reprojections,
import/export from raster to vector, etc. are all examples of possible sources of formatting errors.
Other sources of error may not be so obvious, some of them originated at the moment of initial
measurements, even from the moment of capturing the data cause by users.
Attribute Errors
Quite often we can identify quantitative and qualitative errors.
A common mistake can happen with label or attribute errors.
For instance, an agricultural land may be incorrectly marked as a marsh, and this would cause an error that
the map user may not notice because they may not be familiar with the area in question.
Quantitative errors may occur also when using instrument that have not been properly calibrated creating
subsequent errors hard to identify in the field, but that will cause your project to lose accuracy and reliability
Positional Accuracy Of GIS Data
We also have to pay attention to what has been defined as positional accuracy, which is dependent on the
type of data.
Cartographers can accurately locate certain features like roads, boundary lines, etc. but other data with less
defined position in space such as soil types, may be just an approximate location based on the estimation of
the cartographer.
Other features, like climate, for instance lack defined boundaries in nature and, therefore, are subject to
subjective interpretation.
Topological Errors
Topological errors occur often during the digitizing process.
Errors during digitization or creation of GIS data may result in polygon knots or weird polygons, and loops,
and there may be some errors associated with damaged source maps as well.


Errors can be intentionally introduced in GIS data.
Generalization Of GIS Data
Most commonly, generalization in GIS is when the amount of detail for a GIS data set is reduced.
Generalization introduces error by removing aspects of a feature.
A large scale map (L) and a small scale map (R) of Point Sur, California from the USGS.
Generalization reduces the amount of spatial detail in a GIS dataset. The 1:100000 scale USGS map on the
left shows far less detail in the coastline than the 1:24000 scale map of Point Sur in California. Maps; USGS
Topo maps.
Another intentional introduction of error is the trademarking sometimes found within datasets by
commercial GIS vendors. For example, a GIS data vendor may insert false streets or fake street names into
a dataset. This kind of intentional error in a GIS dataset is called a “map trap“.
We can never forget that inaccuracy, imprecision, and the resulting error, may be compounded in a GIS
project when we need to employ more than one data source. In these types of projects, one error leads to
another, compounding its effects on the analysis and affecting the entire project.
It is important to recognize that GIS data is always subject to some degree of uncertainty and error, and to
take steps to minimize and account for these errors when conducting GIS analysis. This may involve using
multiple sources of data, validating and cross-checking data, and being transparent about any limitations or
assumptions in the analysis.
The use of metadata, (or data about the data), is one of the first tools that any GIS user should consult in
order to know more about the data that he is using and to avoid adding more error to a data that in any case
will never be perfect. Any good metadata should always include some basic information like age of the data,
origin, area that it covers, scale, projection system, accuracy, format, etc.

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