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Vika: So, how was your journey, Slavina?

Slavina: Oh, it was a total disaster, Vika. I don't even know where to begin. First
off, my flight was delayed for three hours due to bad weather.

Vika: That sounds frustrating. Did it get any better after that?

Slavina: Not really. When we finally boarded the plane, there was a problem with
the engine, so we had to wait even longer for it to be fixed. It felt like we were
never going to take off.

Vika: Oh no, that sounds nerve-wracking. Did you make it to your destination on

Slavina: No, not at all. By the time we landed, I had missed my connecting flight.
And to make matters worse, the airline didn't have any available seats on the next
flight until the following day.

Vika: That's awful. What did you end up doing?

Slavina: I had to spend the night sleeping on the uncomfortable airport benches.
It was noisy, cold, and definitely not how I envisioned starting my trip.

Vika: I'm sorry to hear that, Slavina. Hopefully, the rest of your trip goes more

Slavina: I hope so too, Vika. I really do.

Slavina: So, how was your journey, Vika?

Vika: Oh, it was absolutely dreadful, Slavina. Where do I even begin? First
off, my train was canceled last minute due to a technical issue.

Slavina: That sounds like a nightmare. What did you do then?

Vika: I had to scramble to find an alternate route. I ended up taking a bus,

but it was packed to the brim and the air conditioning wasn't working. It
felt like an oven in there.
Slavina: Yikes, that doesn't sound pleasant at all. Did it get any better after

Vika: Unfortunately not. About halfway through the journey, the bus broke
down on the side of the road. We were stuck for hours waiting for another
bus to come pick us up. It was incredibly frustrating.

Slavina: I can only imagine. Did you manage to arrive at your destination

Vika: Yes, thankfully. But by the time I got there, I was so exhausted and
stressed out that I couldn't even enjoy it. It was definitely not the smooth
journey I had hoped for.

Slavina: I'm really sorry to hear that, Vika. Hopefully, your journey back will
be much better.

Vika: Let's hope so, Slavina. I could definitely use a bit of luck on my side for
the return trip.

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