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make it practical

Use these tips, tools, resources, and suggestions to apply

the spiritual disciplines to your daily routine and rhythms.
Make a plan of what you will study in the
Bible and when you will spend time digging
deeply into God’s Word.

Find an accountability partner to encourage

you in your daily Bible study.

Visit for more posts

and videoss on how to study the Bible.

In your current season of life, what are prac-

tical ways you can practice this discipline so
that it leads to freedom?

Reso urc e : T he G i ve Me Jesus Jo urnal

Spend time alone with the Lord think-

ing on HIs goodness.

Choose verses to meditate on and

memorize. Write them down and take
them with you wherever you go.

Res ou rc e: Th e Wor d Before Wor l d

M em ory Jou r n al
Spend time with the Lord in prayer, con-
fessing secret sins and praying Psalm

Publically confess your faith in Jesus. Use

any avenue God has given you to share
the Gospel.

Prayerfully ask the Lord to show you

someone in your life who could become
an accountability partner.

R e so urc e : P l a n t e d , a 12-week study on

the sp i ri t u a l di s c iplines.

Make a playlist of your favorite worship

songs to play in the car as you drive or
listen to as you go throughout your day.

Find a way to worship through the way

God created you. Some examples might
by through art, speaking, writing, athlet-
ics, and even encouragement.

How can you worship in the mundane,

everyday moments of your current

Res ou rc e: Fol l ow Well-Wat ered Wo m en

on Sp ot i fy for p l ayl i s t s t o l i s t en t o .
Buy a journal to be used specically for
prayer. Write down what is on your
heart, pray Scripture, and celebrate
what God has done in your life.

When someone askes you to pray for

them, pray immediately in that

R e so urc e : B re a t h e, 40 D ays o f Prayer

in th e P s a l ms

Pray about what God might have you

fast from. Choose something specific
that would be sacrificial. Approach this
time as a holy time to seek Jesus.

When you fast, use the time to point

your heart to Christ, pray, and worship.

Make a plan!

I will fast from:

for this amount of time:

In what areas of your life do you have an

Most of us have extra clothing in our

closets we don’t need. Take time to go
through your closet and get rid of any-
thing you don’t wear. Give your extras
to someone in need and bless them.

In what other areas of your life can you

begin to practice simplicity?

Set aside time to be still with the Lord.

Go on a walk or to your room.

Find an accountability partner to

encourage you in your daily Bible study.

Plan some times you can incorporate

the practice of being still before the
Lord to focus on Him and His purposes.

Res ou rc e: Breat h e, 40 Days of P r a y er

in t h e Ps alm s
Review the commandments in Scripture.
How are you practically obeying these in
your life?

Is there an area of your life in which God

is calling you into obedience?

What is keeping you from being obedient?

One practical way to practice the disci-

pline of giving is to tithe. Are you cur-
rently tithing to your church?

In what ways can you begin giving to the

Body of Christ?

We can also give of our time to others.

Ask a friend for coffee and give them a
listening ear and encouragement.
The joy of the Lord is a gift and it is also
a weapon we use to fight discourage-
ment. Fight your feelings with the truth
of God’s Word. Write down verses you
can memorize that remind you to

Encouraging others is a source of true

joy. Send a note or a text to a friend
today who needs encouragement.

Re so urc e : F l o u r ish, a study on the

fr ui t o f t he S pi r it.

We weren’t meant to do life on our own.

Do you currently have a small group in
your church that you fellowship with?

We fellowship with the Lord through

spending time in the Word and in
prayer. Take some time to spend with
Jesus today.

Res ou rc e: Joi n ou r C om m u n i t y G ro u p
on Fac ebook for c on t i n u ed c on ver s a -
t i on an d Gos p el-c en t ered en c ou r a g e-
m en t .



-Elisabeth Elliot

©2018 We ll-Wat ere d Wo m e n . A ll c on t e n t s of t his gu ide can n ot be copi ed or reprodu ced f or an y pur pose s.

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