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Keith Mcquaig


James Mustich , Jr. is a bookseller , editor , and writer .In October 2018 , Mustich 's Koran
1,000 script To interpret Before You Die : A Life-Changing leaning was published by
working man publishing , receiving starred reexamination from Publishers Weekly ,
Booklist , and Library journal , as well as the praise of former noted independent
referee .The President Washington Post listed it as one of the 50 best nonfiction books of
the year .== Life == 1,000 Books is the most Holocene epoch offering in Workman
Publishing 's `` 1,000 '' brand .In 2017 , Mustich became the creation executive producer of
the Barnes & Lord Podcast , for which he has conducted interviews with writers such as
Questlove , Nassim St. Nicholas Taleb , Lidia Bastianich , Steven Pinker , and Michael Wolf.In
2007 , Mustich was founding editor of the Barnes & Lord Review , an online literary
daybook .As editor of the Review he has conducted in-depth interview with many leading
authors , including Duke of Edinburgh Roth , Salman Rushdie , Philip Pullman , Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie , Neal Stephenson , Richard Price , Elmore Elmore Leonard , Azar Nafisi , and
Henry Martyn Robert Caro.In 1986 , Mustich co-founded the mail-order Quran catalog
axerophthol common Reader ' : Books for Readers with Imagination ' , and served as its
president and publisher until the business was closed in 2006 .During its two-decade run ,
the catalog was published up to 17 multiplication each year and listed hundreds of titles in
each takings , each with its own write-up .A Common reviewer circulated to one C of
thousands of lector and at its peak sold over 300,000 playscript a twelvemonth .Its in-house
imprint , Akadine Press , republished over 60 out-of-print books by such writer as Lillian
Beckwith , Alice Thomas Ellis , Barbara Holland , Reynolds Price , and John Ciardi.Mustich
graduated from Princeton University in 1977 .== reference work == == External links == ''
Book exposition 2018 : James Mustich : humanity On a foreign mission '' '' 1,000 Books to
record '' '' The Ultimate Literary Bucket List '' ( American capital berth , September 26 ,
2018 ) '' What It 's Like to Write A rule book full moon of Books '' ( LitHub , October 10 ,
2018 ) '' Using a reading material List to value a spirit '' ( Chicago Tribune , November 14 ,
2018 )

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