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Glang Sandara O.
in general, the value are classified into:

Instrinsic and Intrumental Value

Accidental and Natural Value
Primary and Secondary Value
Religious Value
Cultural Value
Social Value.
Intrinsic and instrumental values

- intrinsic value are those which are considered

value in themselves. instrumental values are those
construed as desire good because of their good
to us and to others. In comparing the two, the
former is called primary while the latter, secondary
Accidental and Natural Value

-the former is subject to variability,

temporality and impermanence while the
latter(which is also called natural human
value) ate those that are permanent in human
Primary and Secondary Value

-the former refer to value that are

chosen, acted upon, cherished and the
necessary for human development
while the latter refersto those value
that are obligatory in nature.
Religious Value

-they are chosen that enable us to encounter

the absolute: God, hence this value aim for
absolute good. Sometimes religious valueare
understood as our search of transcendental
determination of value which we feel are
Cultural Value

-they are those that embrace poetry, painting,

architecture,music, literature society model of
living etc.
Social Value

-these are understood as

perfect, attributed to an
object or attitude from
standpoint of relator between
means and ends in society.

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