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2.1 Banks History

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3. The use and intensity of payment systems the 1. Derives from the Italian word banco
number of_________________ made with such 'desk/bench'nused during the Renaissance era by
means and its frequency. Florentine bankers.
6. beginning of the______________ century similar 2. Every_________________ was obliged to open an
institutions were established at Genoa and Barcelona. account with the bank.
8. The Republic being engaged in_____________ 4. relating to activities on the financial markets.
and falling short of funds had recourse to a forced 5. dealing directly with individuals and small
loan. businesses.
9. The_________________between banks is healthy 7. payments of bills of exchange and in wholesale
it allows users to decide which institution suits them transactions of which constitutes the third and last
better to hire bank serv branch of the business o
11. Is defined as a person who carries on the 10. the______________ of credit The amount of
business of banking. different types of credit granted.
13. The first regular institution resembling what we 12. When even more people use the Banks services it
call a Bank was established at Venice,nearly seven is said that there is__________________.
hundred years ago. 15. a second branch of modern banking placing their
14. merchants fell into the habit of placing their money money with the Chamber for safe keeping.
with the Chamber for safe keeping.
16. The development and______________ of
banking infrastructure how many branches ATMs
POS terminals cards and checkbooks are in
17. Banks facilitate that thenresources that are not
going to be used today can be_________________
into productive activities or
18. to measure how more and more people use
banking services which means that the banking
system has grown and three aspects can

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