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Hard news vs Soft news

Hard news: News that is important and factual, usually very important to the world
Soft news: News that is made to entertain rather than to provide information, usually
dealing with personalities and stories without a story opinion
Tabloid and Broadsheets are related to printed paper

Broadsheets are based on hard news, they cover serious and factual stories.
Examples include: SCMP, New York Times, The guardian

Red Top tabloids are articles that focus on the working class, containing many
images and big headlines. Examples of red top tabloids include: The daily mirror,
The daily sun, The daily star. Black Top tabloids are focused on the grey Examples
of black top tabloids include: The daily mail, The daily express.

Tabloids often use populist stories, aka stories that represent the nation. Examples
could be tabloids demonising refugees
Balanced news
In TV news, the stories will usually be balanced, so that there are not too many
negative stories compared to the amount of positive ones

GateKeeper: The people who decide what goes into the news and what doesn’t
Citizen Journalism: When a civilian captures an event as it is happening
Importance: Important information for the public, be it economic, political ect
Prominence: Info about people who are important/famous
Conflict: Anything involving conflict, be it violence or mental conflict
Magnitude: How big is the story, how many or how much does it affect people,
Proximity: How close is the story to you
Rarity: A story that is rare or unique, something unheard of
Timeliness/Immediacy: Something recent that happened or is currently happening
Playing a role

News Values that are (Likely) relevant to my story

Continuity: Is it a running story, will it be continued
Populist: Appealing to your own audience
Moral Panic(Stanly Cohen): An often irrational, widespread fear that someone or
something is a threat to the values safety, or interests of a community or society at
large(Example being UK tabloids painting a narrative of muslim immigrants being
dangers to society, following populists views of minor racism)
Mods and rockers: A case study by stanley cohen on moral panic. The mods and
rockers were two groups of people, mods would ride stylised scooters, big
parka/jackets, and put makeup on their faces, whereas the rockers would wear
leather jackets, and ride faster bigger bikes, and often have longer hair. The mods
and rockers, due to being bored, often fought. While this in itself is quite minor, the
media amplified the shenanigans done by the mods and rockers, so that many
people felt they were a much bigger problem than they actually were. They were
labelled by the public as juvenile delinquents, aka juveniles who are considered
antisocial, and do things like fighting, breaking things, not going to school. This lead
to many negative stereotypes

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