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The text is for questions 1 to 3. The text is for questions 4 to 6.

Mr and Mrs. Achmad Fatahillah invite you to
Flag are flying High, & Fireworks light up
share the joy of the marriage uniting their
the Sky!
Please Joint us for an Independence day
Azzahra Fatahillah
Friday, August 17 th, 2019
Maliki Husein
1 :00 PM – 5:00 PM
If you have time you can come on Saturday,
the third of February two thousand and
(EASTERN Part, Near the fish pond)
RSVP to Anggun at 555-1452 or
At threeIt’s
the afternoon day
Bima Restaurant
Please bring your favorite dish to share
Jl. Mayjen Sungkono Surabaya

1. What is the porpose of the announcement

4. What will the invitee do after receiving the
A. For an Independence day picnic.
A. They have to confirm whether they will
B. To have fun with friends.
come or not
C. To joint us for an Independence
B. They will have a BBQ party
D. Gathering with friends
C. They have to prepare the party
D. They plan to come on February 3rd
2. In what city will the activities be held :
A. Malang
5. The purpose of the text is to invite you ….
B. Surabaya
A. To attend Mr and Mrs. Fatahillah’s wedding
C. Denpasar
B. To unite Azzahra and Maliki in a wedding
D. Semarang
C. To attend Azzahra and Maliki’s wedding
3. “It’s our independence day flag are flying
Hight & Fireworks light up the sky !
D. To marry with Mr. and Mrs. Fatahillah
The underlined word is synonymous
6. Which statement is TRUE based on text?
A. Brighten
A. If you have time you can come on
B. Beam
C. Light
B. If you have time you can’t come on
D. Dark
C. If you have no time you can come on
D. If you have time or not you can come on

The text is for questions 7 to 9. 11. From the text we know that this event is
A. for sixty times
GRAND OPENING B. in the morning only
BAMBOO RESTO C. to commemorate school anniversary
November 7, 2017 D. on Saturday the thirtieth of July
Enjoy luxurious and cozy little restaurant in 2018/2019
the center of Surabaya.
12. Where is the invitation card available?
We provide Javanese cuisine and various
A. This invitation card available at OSIS room
kinds of beverages B. That invitation card available at OSIS
Book for 5 or more will get free iced tea room
Open daily from 9 AM to 10 PM C. These invitation card available at OSIS
For more information and reservation, call room
(031) 5342410 D. Those invitation card available at OSIS

7. What does the restaurant look like? It … . The text is for questions 13 to 15
A. is located in Java.
Crazy Horse Memorial is a huge and
B. serves only Javanese food.
spectacular sculpture-in-progress located on
C. is open in the morning till midnight. Black Hill’s mountaintop, South Dakota, in the
D. feels comfortable in the small form of Crazy Horse, an Oglala Lakota
restaurant. warrior, riding a horse and pointing into the
8. What will you get if you come with 6 people? The memorial comprises the mountain
A. One voucher for the next purchase. carving (monument), the Indian Museum of
B. A special seat near the pool. North America, and the Native Culture
Center. The monument is being carved out of
C. 10 percent discount.
Thunderhead Mountain on land considered
D. Free iced tea for all. sacred by some Native Americans, between
Custer and Hill City, approximately 17 miles
away from Mount Rushmore. When
9. Which of the following menu list here is not completed, the memorial will be the largest
available in the restaurant? mountain sculpture in the world. it was
A. Soto. planned to be 641 feet (195 m) wide and 563
B. Gado-gado. feet (172 m) high. The head of Crazy Horse
C. Chicken steak. will be 87 feet (27 m).
Crazy Horse Memorial was
D. Tahu Campur
commissioned by Dakota Chief Henry
Standing Bear to be sculpted by Korczak
The text for questions 10 to 12
Ziolkowski. The memorial became Korczak’s
life work, and even though he died in 1982,
All students of grade 9 his wife, children, and a group of engineers
You are invited to sixty third SMPN 3 continued to work on this gargantuan
Kebumen Anniversary project.
Day / date : Saturday, the thirty first
of July 2018/2019
Time : 10 am.- 01 pm 13. Why does the writer write the text above?
Vanue : Setda hall Jalan. Sutoyo
A. To give information about Crazy Horse
no.2 Kebumen.
Invitation card is available at OSIS room.
B. To give information about Oglala Lakota
C. To give information about Mountain
10. Why did the writer write the text?
A. To invite sixty third SMPN 3 Kebumen
D. To give information about Memorial
B. To announce sixty third SMPN 3 Kebumen
14. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
C. To describe sixty third SMPN 3 Kebumen
Anniversary A. The history of Crazy Horse Memorial
D. To give information sixty third SMPN 3 B. The shape of Crazy Horse Memorial
Kebumen Anniversary C. The parts of Crazy Horse Memorial
D. The location of Crazy Horse Memorial

15. Which is the right information about Crazy The text is for questions 19 to 21.
Horse Memorial?
How to Make Fruit Punch for a Party
A. Crazy Horse Memorial is located Black
(with a Watermelon Punch Bowl)
Hill’s mountaintop
B. Crazy Horse Memorial was located Black Ingredients:
Hill’s mountaintop • 1 watermelon (choose a good quality one
C. Crazy Horse Memorial has located Black with no blemishes).
Hill’s mountaintop • 2 to 3 litres of orange juice.
D. Crazy Horse Memorial were located Black • ½ litre of mango juice.
• ½ litre of guava juice.
Hill’s mountaintop
• Sugar syrup.
• Ice cubes.
The text is for questions 16 to 18.

There once lived a monk called Tools:

Shan, in a village in China. He had earned a • Knife.
great name for himself. But he was very • Large spoon.
arrogant. Qui Jun heard of his arrogance and
wanted to teach the monk a lesson. He went Instructions
to meet Shan who neither greeted him nor 1. Cut the top off the watermelon.
acknowledged his presence. 2. Using a large spoon, scoop out the
Just then a servant of the monk watermelon flesh. Be careful not to stick
came with a message: “The son of an army the spoon through the peel. Use the flesh
officer is here to see you.” The monk said, “I to make something else, like a fruit salad
will go and greet him.” Shan welcomed the or watermelon juice. Leave the
son of the army officer with respect. watermelon juice inside the watermelon
After the army officer’s son had bowl. This will add flavour to the punch.
departed Qui Jun asked Shan the reason for 3. Pour the orange juice, mango juice, and
his double-faced behavior. “Why is it that you guava juice into the hollowed out
greeted the army officer’s son so respectfully, watermelon.
yet behaved so arrogantly towards me?” 4. Add some sugar syrup to sweeten the
Shan the Monk had a quick reply: “Please taste.
don’t get me wrong. For me greeting means 5. Put some ice cubes.
not greeting and not greeting means 6. Place on the table. Arrange glasses for
greeting.” Qui Jun understood the monk’s guests to help themselves.
mischief and hit him hard on his head with his
stick. “According to your logic, beating you 19. Why must we put in some ice cubes?
means not beating and not beating you A. To melt the ice and make the juice thin.
means beating. Therefore, I have to give you B. To dampen the fruit bowl and make it
a beating,” said Qui Jun. Shan immediately cold.
realized the folly of his actions and started
C. To freeze the fruit punch and make it
showing respect to everyone he met,
irrespective of their status. chilly.
D. To cool the fruit punch and make it
16. What is the moral value of the story above? refreshing.
We must…
A. be kind to everyone we met 20. “Arrange glasses for guests to help
B. respect to others without seeing the status themselves.”
C. beat and behave arrogantly The underlined word can be replaced with . .
D. appreciate others in every meeting ..
A. buy
17. Why did Qui Jun Beat the Monk?
B. order
A. He wanted the Monk to show respect to
C. set up
B. He was very angry with the Monk. D. lay down
C. He asked for an apology from the Monk.
D. He wanted to give him a lesson. 21. What does the text tell us about?
A. How to make fruit punch.
18. What do you think about Qui Jun’s action in B. How to plant watermelon.
beating the Monk?
C. How to cut watermelon into pieces.
A. I agree with Qui Jun.
B. I don’t think I agree with his action. D. How to buy fruit punch in a supermarket.
C. I think I have different opinion with him.
D. I disagree with what he’s done.

The text is for questions 22 to 24. The text is for questions 25 and 26.
When I was a kid, I used to play
hide and seek with friends. We used to play
Firefly or Lightning Bug
in theyard behind my house. The yard was a
(Photinus pyralis)
The Pyralis firefly (also known as the perfect place because it was surrounded
lightning bug) is a common firefly in North bydense banana trees.
America. This partly nocturnal, luminescent We usually played until late at night.
beetle is the most common firefly in the USA. One day, when I was trying to find a place to
At night, the very end (the last hideamong the banana trees, I slipped and
abdominal segment) of the firefly glows a
fell into the river. I used to take a bath at
bright yellow-green color. The firefly can
control this glowing effect. The brightness of a theriver, but never at night! In the dark,
single firefly is 1/40 of a candle. Fireflies use everything looked different. I couldn't think
their glow to attract other fireflies. Males flash clearly, I felt something tickling my feet. 11
about every five seconds; females flash about was struggling to go out, but my feet
every two seconds. This firefly is harvested by weretrapped in the mud.
the biochemical industry for the organic Thank God, a friend finally came and
compunds luciferin (which is the chemical the helped me. He, then called others, and I was
firefly uses for its bioluminescence). saved.
This flying insect is about 0.75 inch
(2 cm) long. It is mostly black, with two red
spots on the head cover; the wing covers and 25. What made the yard a perfect place for the
head covers are lined in yellow. Like all game? It was ...
insects, it has a hard exoskeleton, six jointed A. surrounded by dense banana trees.
legs, two antennae, compound eyes, and a B. just behind the writer's house.
body divided into three parts (the head, C. a place where he takes a bath
thorax, and abdomen). D. near a river
Both the adults and the larvae
are carnivores. They eat other insects
26. Why was the writer scared when he fell into
(including other fireflies), insect larvae, and
the river?
A. He had never been to the river at night.
B. He had never been to the river before.
C. He found the river was very deep.
D. He didn't like the water.
The text is for questions 27 and 28.
22. The text is telling about… Lions belong to cat family. They are large
A. a common firefly in the USA strong fresh eating animals.
A group of lions consist of 2 to 13 adult females
B. a beautiful flying fire
and young lions. All of the females are related;
C. a beautiful photinus pyralis sister, mothers, aunts and cousins. A female will
D. the last abdominal segment of the firefly stay in it for life although a large group may split
into smaller ones
23. How do fireflies attract other fireflies? Female lions care for young lions for together,
A. By controlling their glowing effect. hunt and eat together. They also aggressively
B. By eating insects including other fireflies. defend from other groups. Equally important, a
group of females must often defend young lions
C. By harvesting its bioluminescence.
from group of males.
D. By camouflaging in the surroundings. Unlike females, young lions are driven from
group lions when they are between two and four
24. What does the second paragraph of the text years old. If they are lucky, they leave with
tell us about? brothers and cousins; if not, they work together
A. The firefly’s glow. with unrelated males. These groups of two to six
males are called coalition.
B. The firefly’s habitat.
C. The anatomy of firefly. 27. Which paragraph tells about the difference of
D. The diet of firefly. young from female lions?
A. paragraph 1
B. paragraph 2
C. paragraph 3
D. paragraph 4

28. How do the female lions defend their selves? 33. From the text we know that. The writer can
A. They defend their selves together. not come to …
B. They asked a help male lions to defend. A. that Mall
C. Each female defends itself. B. this Mall
D. They defend their selves with male lions. C. those Mall
D. these Mall
The text is for questions 29 and 30.
The text for questions 34 and 35
BE,PLEASE THE DENTAL STAFF BEFORE I’m sorry I have to tell you that I can’t
HAVING AN X – RAY TAKEN come to your house to work on our project
29. What can be concluded from the notice as we have planned before. Unexpected
above ? thing happens. My grandma must be
A. Pregnant women are very sensitive hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan
B. Fetus is invulnerable from getting x – ray later.
C. X – ray may endanger the pregnant Dinda
D. X – ray may threaten the fetus health
34. From the message above we know that....

30. YOU ARE PREGNANT OR THINK YOU MAY A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on
HAVING AN X – RAY TAKEN B. Dinda’s grandma involves in project
Which is the conjunction ? C. Dinda dan her grandma will meet Mira at
A. Are the hospital
B. Or D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital
C. May with her
D. An 35. What did Dinda’s purpose to write such kind
of message?
A. To tell about her sick grandma
The text for questions 31 to 33.
B. To give information about the delay of an
To: Dian activity
C. To ask Mira to work on their project
Sorry honey, I can’t fulfill my promise to go D. To persuade Mira to change the project
with you to the Mall tonight. I have to
meet Mrs. Lis at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be
The text is for questions 36 to 38.
Your mom Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity
between a cloud and the ground, or from cloud to
cloud. A lightning flash, or bolt, can be several
31. The writer writes the text in order to....
miles long. It is so hot, with an average
A. appologize since she can not fulfill the
promise temperature of 34,000° Centigrade, that the air
B. remind someone that she has a promise around it suddenly expands with a loud blast. This
with her is the thunder we hear.
C. tell her that she has to go to the meeting Lightning occurs in hot, wet storms. Moist
D. say that she can’t meet her in the mall air is driven up to a great height. It forms a type of
cloud called cumulonimbus. When the cloud rises
32. From the text, we know that …
high enough, the moisture freezes and ice crystals
A. Dian’s Mom always doesn’t fulfill her
and snowflakes are formed. These begin to fall,
turning to rain on the way down. This rain meets
B. Dian’s Mom can not meet her daughter
more moist air rising, and it is the friction between
at the Mall
them which produces static electricity. When a
C. Dian’s Mom has to meet her daughter at
cloud is fully charged with this electricity, it
the Mall
discharges it as a lightning flash.
D. Dian’s Mom always meet Mrs. Lis at The

36. Why does It form a type of cloud called 39. What is the topic of the passage?
cumulonimbus? A. The attractions of the imperial
A. This rain meets more moist air rising compound.
B. Moist air is driven up to a great height B. The history of the Palace Museum.
C. Lightning occurs in hot, wet storms C. The description of the city center.
D. Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of D. The life of China emperors.
electricity between a cloud and the
ground 40. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. behind the city wall
37. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ? B. around the compound.
A. Lightning is so hot, with an average C. along the central axis.
temperature of 34,000° Centigrade D. in the imperial palace.
B. Lightning is natural, that occurs in hot and
wet storm 41. What can the visitors do in the Forbidden
C. A lightning flash, or bolt, can be several City?
miles long A. They meet the last emperor of imperial
D. Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of China.
electricity between a cloud and the ground B. They learn the Chinese modern
38. When a cloud is fully charged with this C. They enjoy the dynastic art and history.
electricity, it discharges it as a lightning flash. D. Study the history
Which sentence has the same meaning with
the sentence above ?
A. The electricity charger the cloud fully The text is for questions 42 to 44.
B. The electricity charged the cloud fully
Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning
C. The electricity charges the cloud fully
harbour wave. Tsunamis are sometimes
D. The electricity charge the cloud fully called tidal waves, because the initial change
in water level resembles that of a rising or
The text is for questions 39 to 41 falling tide, but they are created in an entirely
different way.
The Forbidden City was the political and Tsunamis share many characteristics with
ritual center of China for over five centuries. the waves you’ve encountered at the beach.
After its completion in 1420, the compound But it is how they differ from the surf you
was home to 24 emperors, their families and splash in that makes them much more
servants during the Ming (1368–1644) and dangerous, very unpredictable, and often
the Qing (1644–1911) dynasties. The last deadly.
Qing emperor left the palace in 1924. The Tsunamis are ripples that form on the
Palace Museum, which is famous for its ocean surface above where the seafloor is
dynastic art and history, is now one of the abruptly disturbed, displacing the water
most popular tourist attractions world-wide. above it. Sometimes they consist of single
Constructed from 1406 to 1420, this waves, but very often a sequence of waves is
largest imperial palace complex consists of created. Anything that causes a seafloor
980 buildings and covers 72 hectares. disturbance can produce a tsunami.
Surrounding the city, a 52-meter wide Earthquakes, volcanic explosions, undersea
moat functioned as the first line of defense. landslides and meteor impacts are common
It is enclosed by a 8-meter-high defensive causes.
wall. At each corner of the Forbidden City, The biggest tsunamis are created when
there stands a heavily-guarded watchtower. powerful earthquakes happen at shallow
The architecture of the compound depths below the seafloor (most often at
applies the traditional Chinese geomantic plate subduction zones), because such
practice of feng shui. The walled complex earthquakes produce large seafloor
was constructed along a central north-south displacements and vibrations over large
line. areas. The destructive tsunamis that struck
This line is the axis of the old Beijing Indonesia in 2004 and Japan in 2011 were
City. Traditionally, it is divided into two parts. caused in this way.
The Outer Court was used as governmental
and ceremonial spaces and the Inner Court 42. These are the common causes of
was used as the residence of the Emperor tsunamis, except….
and his family. As the imperial compound, no A. Undersea landslide
one could enter or leave the area without the B. Volcanic explosion
emperor's permission and that is why C. Earthquakes
Forbidden City is so named. D. Planet impact

43. The fourth paragraph tells us about… D. they are supposed to have good ideas
A. How the biggest tsunamis are formed
B. The meaning of tsunami The text for questions 47 to 50
C. Why tsunamis are dangerous
D. The characteristics of tsunamis The best surprise party happened when I
was twenty eight. It was planned by my best
44. Anything that causes a seafloor disturbance buddy with some of my students in Laventa
can produce a Tsunami. Course. I was teaching seriously on September
The closest meaning with the underlined 22nd, when someone knocked the door of my
word is …. class. I opened the door and got my student
A. annoyance who has no scheduled that day asked
B. demolition permission for bothering me.
C. destruction After a while, I heard a door open.
D. breakdown Suddenly, my best buddy and some of my
students came in with a birthday cake with
45. Arrange the words into good order some candles on it. They were singing a
Was-a-realized-earthquake-very-that-we- birthday song while one of my students
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bringing some gifts for me. Because of it, all of
soon-it-big my students in classroom said happy birthday
8 9 10 to me. I was taken by surprise. Then, we had
a party. We enjoyed cake and soft drinks.
A. 7-8-3-9-1-6-2-5-4-10
The experience was one of my
B. 7-8-3-6-9-1-2-5-10-4 favorite ones. My friends and all of my
C. 9-1-2-10-5-6-7-8-3-4 students were so kind to remember y birthday.
D. 9-1-2-10-6-5-7-8-4-3
47. “…who has no scheduled that day asked
permission for bothering me”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is

A. disturbing
B. surprising
C. annoying
46. What should we do after reading the notice
A. Keep the toilet clean D. disgusting
B. Help repair the toilet
C. Use the toilet on purpose 48. The bold word in the text can be replaced with
D. Use another toilet ….
A. The writer
B. The students
To: Reza C. The writer’s friend
D. The writer’s friend and students
Please wait for me in front of your class after
49. What did the writer firstly think about the
school today. We need to make a plan for our
surprise party?
baseball club outing next month. We have to A. The writer thought it was a usual day.
be ready with the proposal before the general B. The writer already knew her friend’s plan.
meeting with all members next week. C. The writer thought she would talk with the
Don't forget to ask Aldi and Bima to come student.
along. As senior members of the club, they D. The writer was very surprise with her
might come up with brilliant ideas. friend’s plan about her day.

Regards, 50. Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

Iqbal A. The writer’s students came into the
46. Why does Iqbal ask Aldi and Bima to come B. The writer’s friend called her from outside
along to the meeting? Because .... the classroom.
A. they are new members of the baseball C. The writer was very suspicious with her
club friend’s plan in her birthday.
B. they have already had good suggestion D. The writer’s friend and her students had a
C. they must make a plan with all members meeting to make a birthday party.

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