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Assignment – 8

1. Hello World Program in PL/SQL

2. PL/SQL Program To Add Two Numbers

3. PL/SQL Program for Prime Number

4. PL/SQL Program to Find Factorial of a Number

5. PL/SQL Program to Print Table of a Number

6. PL/SQL Program for Reverse of a Number

7. PL/SQL Program for Fibonacci Series

8. PL/SQL Procedure to Check Number is Odd or Even

9. PL/SQL Function to Reverse a String

10. Write a PL/SQL program to retrieve the employees working in DNO=5 and increase their

salary by 10%.

11. Write a PL/SQL cursor

12. Study of PL/SQL Conditional Statements

13. Study of PL/SQL Loops

a. Study of PL/SQL procedures and functions

b. Study of PL/SQL cursors

c. Write a program using PL/SQL to raise Triggers

d. Write a PL/SQL program to handle Exceptions

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