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Display the Country Region Names, CountryRegionCode, SalesYTD, SalesLastYear of

regions that have last year sales higher than average sales.

SELECT [Name], [CountryRegionCode], [SalesYTD], [SalesLastYear]

FROM [Sales].[SalesTerritory]
WHERE [SalesLastYear] >
(SELECT AVG([SalesLastYear])
FROM [Sales].[SalesTerritory]);
The following query selects the Territory with the highest average sales bonus.
The subquery finds the average bonus for each territory, and then the main query
selects the territory with the highest average bonus.

[Sales].[SalesTerritory].[Name], AVG([Bonus])
JOIN [Sales].[SalesTerritory]
ON [Sales].[SalesPerson].[TerritoryID] = [Sales].[SalesTerritory].[TerritoryID]
GROUP BY [Sales].[SalesTerritory].[Name]
HAVING AVG([Bonus]) >= ALL
FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson]
GROUP BY [TerritoryID]);

Display the territory`s name, SalesLastYear, CostLastYear, Currency name where
currency code is 'USD';

[Sales].[SalesTerritory].[Name], [SalesLastYear], [CostLastYear],[Sales].
FROM [Sales].[Currency]
CROSS JOIN [Sales].[SalesTerritory]
WHERE [Sales].[Currency].[Name] = ANY
FROM [Sales].[Currency]
WHERE [CurrencyCode] = 'USD');

What are the number of products in each category?

SELECT B.[Name], COUNT(PP.[Name]) AS [No. of Products in Category]

FROM [Production].[Product] as PP
INNER JOIN(SELECT [Name], ProductCategoryID
FROM [Production].[ProductCategory]) B
ON PP.[ProductSubcategoryID] = B.[ProductCategoryID]
GROUP BY B.[Name];

Display hire date of Employees of type 'EM'

SELECT P.[PersonType], P.[FirstName], P.[LastName],

(SELECT [HireDate]
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] AS H
WHERE H.[BusinessEntityID] = P.[BusinessEntityID] ) AS HireDate
FROM [Person].[Person] AS P
WHERE [PersonType] = 'EM'

Set price = 30 for products that have price lower than the minimum price;

UPDATE [Production].[Product]
SET [ListPrice] = 30
WHERE [ListPrice] <
(SELECT MIN([StandardPrice])
FROM [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]);

Delete all products wich price is lower than average product last receipt cost

DELETE FROM [Production].[Product]

WHERE [ListPrice] <
(SELECT AVG([LastReceiptCost])
FROM [Purchasing].[ProductVendor]);

Write the long name of person types;

SELECT CONCAT([FirstName], ' ' ,[LastName]) AS FullName,

[TypeName] = CASE [PersonType]
WHEN 'EM' THEN 'Employes'
WHEN 'SC' THEN 'Secondar'
ELSE 'Unknown'
FROM [Person].[Person];

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