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chap 2.1.

Cell phy
 5 types of cells: totipotent (zygote, 1-8 cells), pluripotent (all organs except the placenta,
iPS cells), multipotent, oligopotent, unipotent, germ.
 centrosomes: Gama tubulin
 structure and function of RE
 control of microtubulin and microfilaments
 120micrometer = mature egg
 10-20 mcm = somatic cells (70% around 15mcm) < stem cells (70% around 20-25mcm)
 osmosis conditions: effect on the increase/decrease in size of the cell
o in the human body, 270
 iPS cells: from the somatic cell to the pluripotent by re-programming genetic technique.
 Histon phosphorylation (relating to the activity of the proteins)/ acetylation/
methylation ⇒ dephosphorylation
 DNA - methylation ⇒ DNA inactive ⇒ the histone phosphorylation: turn off
 **- demethylation ⇒ DNA active ⇒ the histone
dephosphorylation: turn on**
 the role of calcium in the body: bone, fertilization, heart

Membrane potential:
 polarization, depolarization, hyperpolarization
 what molecules can move freely through the membrane and what molecules cannot

Chap 3: Preimplantation
 an egg is covered in zona pellucida.
 fertilization happens in the very beginning of oviduct.
 in the IVF, the success rate of transferring the embryo into the uterus usually lower than
to the oviduct

 chromosome - chromatin
 - heterochromatin
 Mỗi nucleosome có đường kính 11 nm, gồm một đoạn DNA quấn quanh lõi histon:
o Đoạn DNA này gồm khoảng 146 bp (cặp nuclêôtit) quấn quanh lõi khoảng 1 3/4
vòng và được "chặn" bởi histon H1.
o Lõi histon gồm 8 phân tử tạo thành phức hợp gọi là bát hợp phân tử (octamer) có
bốn cặp kí hiệu là: (H2A + H2B + H3 + H4) x 2
 in female PN, histone phosphorylation and methylation are high → most DNA of the
mother is silent, and male is low
 high histone acetylation results in the gene having more function: turn on
 OCT4 pro can be expressed in the multipotent cells in the body, maintain the 2-8 cells
 stat 3 makes embryo have renewability characteristic → epiblast

 the role of calcium in the activation of egg.

 the egg is around 120 micrometers → a mature follicle is around 4-5 mm, while the
primary follicle is 15 micrometers

 infertile (overgrowth of the follicle) or named nymphomania, high estrogen, low LH

 The menstrual cycle of women has 2 phases: follicle phase, and corpus luteum phase
(formed by granulose cells)


 cumulus cells arrange tightly together → cAMP increases → MPF phosphorylation →

inactive form → the egg is kept at the inter phase
 cumulus cells expand, → cAMP decreased → MPF dephosphorylation → active form→
the egg enters the Meiois II
 if we artificially remove the cumulus cells → trigger the chromosomes to mature but not
yet the cytoplasm → errors in egg maturation
 in human, cows IVCulture for maturation for 24 hours; pigs for 48 hours
 cumulus cells attach together by hyaluronic acid
o the sperm produces hyaluronidase enzyme to break down the cumulus cells wall
by make the hyaluronic acid lose connection

Chapter 4
 example of neuron and hormones communication: nerve system: hypothalamus and effect
on the reproductive system
 nervous system organization: central NS, peripheral
 increase estrogen → increase LH → ovulation
 increase progesterone → decrease LH → no ovulation


 The testes contain Sertoli cells produce sperm while Leydig cells produce testosterone
 granulose cells after releasing the oocyte (ovulation), converted into corpus luteum and
produce progesterone.
 oxytocin effects on smooth muscles.
 sex determination and sexual differentiation

Chapter 5
 afferent and efferent systems work based on the membrane potential
 our body can work by the effects of the feedback system (hormone system) beside the
central nervous system
 cerebrospinal fluid is a barrier to avoid toxins from the blood to the brain -> treat the
nervous system with chemicals is a hard job and reducing the pressure/effects on the
brain from the skull in the shocking conditions
 pituitary gland: lies below the hypothalamus
o posterior pituitary gland: release vasopressin → kidney tubules → increase H20
adsorption, oxytocin → arterioles, uterus, breast → increase contraction
o anterior pituitary gland: releases
 thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) → stimulate T4 and T3 hormones
secretion → effect in transcription level
 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) → adrenal cortex → cortisol
 growth hormone (GH) → bone, soft tissues → direct metabolic
 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) → ovary, testes
 prolactin


 why the pressure is different between 2 smaller system

 the components of the circulatory system


 kidney function and substance adsorption ability of the kidney

 structure and function of nephron

Chapter 18 Endocrine system

 summary of the pituitary gland


 growth hormone

 regulation of estrogen and progesterone
 structure of mature follicle, matured egg, matured sperm
 compare meiosis, mitosis → oogenesis, spermatogenesis
 embryo: 5 types of an embryo (parthenogenesis,…)
 MPF: effects on cell cycle
 preimplantation: from zygote to blastocyst.
 Nanog, oct4, stat 3

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