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dynamic by SIGN-IN

Real-time image generation with Latent Consistency. See the inference time 120ms
optimized model page for API access or explore other way to
use Latent Consistency models.


Hunjinn from stray kids with red hair




Click and drag, release when you're finished




Model registry


Embarking on Your Krea AI Adventure

Step 1 - Input Your Vision

Within the PlayGround, input your basic sketch and vision description. The Krea AI tool
adapts to both visual and text inputs, accommodating all levels of artistic expertise.

Use the intensity slider to fine-tune your output. Sliding left keeps it close to your
original concept, while sliding right lets Krea AI creatively enhance your input.

Step 2 - Watch Your Creation Come to Life

Upon submission, witness the power of Krea AI's Latent Consistency Models and Stable
Diffusion at work, rendering your ideas into exquisite visuals on the right side instantly.

Step 3 - Instantaneous Artistic Gratification

Experience the thrill of real-time artistic creation. Krea AI's rapid processing brings your
ideas to visual reality instantly, with no delays.

Step 4 - Create Anywhere, Anytime

Krea AI's versatility shines through its responsive design, making it accessible on a
variety of devices, from desktops to mobiles, empowering you to create whenever
inspiration strikes.

© KreaAI, Inc. All rights reserved.

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