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Asadullah Aria

First Street in Khairkhana

Kabul, Afghanistan, 1008
April 6, 2024

Bucharest Summer University

Bucharest, Romania

Dear Selection Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in participating in the Bucharest Summer University 2024. As a dedicated and
motivated student with a passion for Communication, international relations and global governance, I believe that this
program will provide me with invaluable insights, skills, and experiences to further my academic and professional

I am currently pursuing a degree in [Global Communications] at [Alberoni University], where I have developed a keen
interest in exploring the complexities of international affairs, diplomacy, and cross-cultural communication. The
opportunity to engage with experts, practitioners, and fellow students from diverse backgrounds at the Bucharest
Summer University excites me as it will broaden my perspectives and deepen my understanding of global issues.

Participating in the Bucharest Summer University will not only enhance my academic knowledge but also allow me to
network with like-minded individuals who share my passion for promoting peace, cooperation, and sustainable
development on a global scale. I am eager to engage in interactive workshops, debates, and simulations that will challenge
me to think critically, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others to address complex challenges.

Moreover, I am drawn to the rich cultural heritage and vibrant atmosphere of Bucharest, which I believe will provide a
stimulating backdrop for learning, exploration, and personal growth. Immersing myself in the local culture, traditions, and
cuisine will complement the academic components of the program and enrich my overall experience.

I am confident that my academic background, enthusiasm for international relations, and commitment to lifelong learning
make me a strong candidate for the Bucharest Summer University 2024. I am eager to contribute to discussions, share my
perspectives, and learn from the diverse perspectives of my peers during this transformative experience.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to participate in the Bucharest Summer
University and contribute positively to the program. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information
or materials.

Asadullah Aria

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