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Once a upon a time in the distance Greece, there were evil kings called Oberon, Titania and his

sorcerer Puck, everything was bad and darkness, until one day the teacher of the school of
sorcerers BOTTOM summoned 4 otherworldly warriors. superb Demetrius, helena sadness, hernia
lust, jubilant lysander.

With these 4 warriors, they had an intense battle in the lands of "the banities", in which they came
out winners, but at the end of the battle, they realized that the kings were not bad, but that they
were infected by a plague that had fallen from heaven, So bottom cleansed all the lands with his
power and returned the kings to their original form. and so love and harmony returned.

but not forever, because demetrius was left with a bit of the dark plague. to be continue..

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