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8/31/2017 LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation Guide, LEED v4 Edition | U.S.

Green Building Council

The flash cards are hard copy flashcards. There may be a code in the book that allows you to go online and then print them but we do not have
access to that code.

3- can I print the e-document of the Core Concept Study Guide when i purchase it? in other words, is it a pdf printable version? the reason i am
asking, because I prefer to read from a book, but at the same time I don't want to go through shipping issues mention by other exam candidates
on this page.

It is a PDF. Please note: the book is currently not on back order so you should not experience any issues with purchasing the book online.

4- again, are the digital resources mentioned in the Study Bundle printable?

They are in PDF format.

5- I live close to washington DC, does the USGBC have a book store that carry the proposed books in their web site.

USGBC does not have a bookstore in Washington D.C. so you'll need to purchase through our online store.

Thank you again!

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1 year 4 weeks ago

Angie Haydar
Architect, Affordable Architecture

Thank you for much Jackie.

one more question please.

- The flash cards you mention for the BD+C are they useful for the Green Associate Exam?
- The Study Bundle for Green Associate Exam can 100% replace the two separate books: (Core Concept Guide & Preparation Guide,LEED v4).


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1 year 4 weeks ago

Jackie Hanzal
Membership, Credentialing, and Education Specialist, U.S. Green Building Council

Hi Angie, Yes the flashcards can be useful for studying for the LEED Green Associate exam but they are not specific to the LEED Green Associate
exam. I would recommend reviewing this article "
Are you ready to earn your LEED Green Associate credential?" : http://www.usgbc.org/node/10075156 There are some great recommendations for
being successful with your LEED Green Associate exam. I hope that helps!

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