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Manual mode gives you complete control over

your camera settings. Once your camera is set to

Manual, you can adjust different settings and
even control your flash.
Most importantly, shooting in Manual lets you
independently adjust the three key exposure
Shutter speed
Together, the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed
determine the overall brightness of your photos
(i.e., the exposure). They also affect your photos in
other key ways – by adjusting the sharpness,
depth of field, and overall image quality.
That’s what makes Manual mode so powerful. In
Manual, you can make your photos appear exactly
as dark or light as you want. You can also ensure
perfect sharpness, create different depth of field
effects, and keep your low-light photos looking
high quality.
Now let’s explore these three settings in more

Simply put, ISO controls your camera’s

sensitivity to light.
So by adjusting the ISO, you can increase your
camera’s light sensitivity which will, in turn, give
you a brighter image.
Say you’re shooting at night and your shots
keep turning out too dark. If you’re working in
Manual mode, you can boost your ISO – and your
images will instantly brighten up

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