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DB 3 - Reflective Summary Posting Week 2-4

For your reflective summary posting of week 2-4, post the following to the
discussion board:
A summary of the discussion that took place during week 2-4
Identify and highlight the key discussion board contributions YOU made
during those 3 weeks
Nominate two other postings (from other students) that you felt were
particularly helpful or insightful and tell us why.
I am new to this subject. It is very interested subject and It was very good learning to me about
Macroeconomic and its priority. Learning about GDP, GNP nominal vs Real GDP unemployment rate
inflation rate

How Government and Central bank control the inflation rate Monetary policy and fiscal policy.

My contribution to board introduces the concept of stagflation which cause inflation and economy
slowdown together. Concept of of inflation reason and priority of economics.

I liked the post of Mr. Saurabh Sharma and Vivek Ganvir for DB-1 Q-1 of economy priority. It was
great to learn about economic priority.

I liked the post of Mr. Saurabh Sharma for DB-1 Q-2.

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