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Interesting Facts

Queen Elizabeth 1

1. Elizabeth was __third____ in line for the throne.

2. Elizabeth became Queen in the year __6___.

3. Elizabeth was imprisoned for suspicion of abetting __Wyatt’s___ Rebellion.

4. Many thought the Rebellion was fighting for ___Protestant____ liberation.

5. It is believed that she owned ___2,000___ pairs of gloves.

6. She had a personal advisor named ___John Dee___.

7. In her portraits she was depicted as having qualities of classic ___goddesses__.

8. This trend in her portraits was referred to as the Cult of _the_ or the Cult of the

__Virgin__ __Queen___.

9. In 1601 the Elizabethan ___Poor__ Law was established.

10. Elizabeth was known to speak French, Latin, and __Italian__.

11. William Shakespeare refers to Queen Elizabeth I in the second act of his play

called ____playwright_________.

12. Elizabeth’s childhood friend, ___Robert Dudley____, was her one true love.

13. It is said that Elizabeth had secret love __affairs__ with high-profile men.

14. Elizabeth was the only queen to never have ___married____.

15. She was the last monarch to rule England before its union with


16. She was the last queen to rule under the ___Tudor____ dynasty.

17. Elizabeth held the record for being the oldest monarch for __151___ years.

18. As a result of smallpox, she suffered from ___facial scarring___ and ___hair


19. It is said that she got her cussing from her ___Father, King Henry VIII___.

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