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Exclamatory or Interrogative Sentence Exclamation Marks Worksheet

An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling and uses an exclamation

mark. (!)
An interrogative sentence asks a question and uses a question mark. (?)

Add an exclamation mark or question mark to each sentence


I can’t wait to go back to school _______


1. Wow_____ You did a terrific job ______

2. Do you know where we can find the lake _______

3. What time is the championship game _______

4. Hurray ______ You got accepted to college _______

5. What a stupendous piece of work _______

6. Why do we have to attend all the meetings _______

7. Where can I find my little sister ______

8. Congratulations ______ You are so fabulous _______

9. How many people will be at the event _______

10. Wow _____ That really hurt _______

11. Can you find my lost slipper _______

12. Why is the sky blue ______

13. Ouch ______ That really hurt _______

Exclamatory or Interrogative Exclamation Marks Worksheet

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