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Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ) No. 13.574.594/0001-96

Publicly Held Company


ZAMP S.A. (“Company”), in compliance with the provisions of CVM Resolution No. 44 and article
157, paragraph 4th, of Law No. 6,404, of December 15, 1976, and in continuity with the Notice to
the Market disclosed on November 23, 2023, informs its shareholders and the market in general
that the Company's Board of Directors elected Mrs. Fernanda Ribeiro Borges Toscano to the
position of the Company’s Technology Vice-President.

Mrs. Fernanda Ribeiro Borges Toscano graduated in Computer Science from the Federal
University of Uberlândia. She holds MBAs in Business Management and Project Management from
FGV, as well as Digital Transformation from MIT. With extensive experience in IT and Project
Management, she has built a 15-year career, working for large companies in Brazil.

Further information regarding the election hereby communicated is available in the minutes of the
Company's Board of Directors Meeting held on this date and available on the Company's website
(, the CVM's website (, and B3’s website

Barueri, April 19, 2024.

Gabriel Magalhães da Rocha Guimarães

CFO and Investor Relations Officer


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