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the guide to

healing with

lisa power | @well_witch

welcome dear friend,

Thank you for taking your precious time to download and move
through this guide! I hope that this short guide serves as an
inspirational & implementable diving board for your journey of
healing through Ayurveda.

Ready to begin?

turn your life into an

expression of svastha...

you know those people who

radiate & glow with health,
almost effortlessly?

That's how I now feel. And it's how we are all meant to feel.

Hi there! My name is Lisa Power and I have committed myself

to sharing the healing potential of Ayurveda through both
private mentorship and group containers, for those who long to
turn their very own lives into the medicine that they need and
as a result, become living embodiments of svastha (optimal
health & equlilibrium) - all naturally and with great ease.

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
When I first discovered Ayurveda, I was struggling with a chronic and debilitating
illness; a relentless case of irritable bowel syndrome that had me doubled-over in
pain and anxiety almost all of the time. After trying so many healing therapies
from both western and holistic medicine, the possibility of healing and living a
happy, healthy life again seemed very, very far-fetched.

I was probably a lot like you are right now...

❌ Unhappy with my overall state of physical, mental and emotional health and
feeling disconnected from a love for myself and for life

❌ Comparing myself to other people in my life or on social media who look and
seem healthy, fit, energized and glowing

❌ Working hard in my life and career but feeling stressed, burnt-out or depleted

❌ Experiencing fatigue, bloating, digestive problems, skin issues, excess weight, low
libido, stress, burnout, anxiety, sleep issues, brain fog, etc.

❌ Painstakingly scouring the internet for solutions while being overwhelmed by the
sheer amount of conflicting information

❌ Too busy to deeply dive into the research, knowledge, work and time it would
probably take to heal

❌ Needing mentorship, clear direction and accountability so that I don't self-


❌ Lacking time to plan, shop and cook healthy, plant-based meals that satisfy and

❌ Thinking I have to just settle for mediocre health and frustrating health issues

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
But when I discovered Ayurveda...everything gradually started clicking into place.
Since then, I've gone from a life of debilitating chronic pain, crippling anxiety and
depression, to feeling deep joy and fulfillment, glowing from the inside out, healing
deep down to the root and, now, living my dharma and sharing this great wisdom
with others.

So, while some are spending hours scouring the internet for the next trendy holistic
health hack, wasting time and energy trying to figure it out on their own, avoiding
addressing the traumatic residues that might be keeping them stuck, self-sabotaging
because they doubt the process and have no one to hold them accountable...

I am guiding my clients through a deeply-supported, personalized and entirely

holistic journey of healing, allowing them to uncover an expression of health and
wellbeing that is not just characterized by a lack of disease, but is palpable, juicy, alive
and magnetic, without having to know anything about Ayurveda, without any more
frantic google searches, without overwhelm and without having to take the journey
all alone.

What I offer through my Because Ayurveda is a time-tested system

of healing, that bridges science with the Heart.

If you’re longing to glow, to radiate and to know how to live in such a way that a
palpable improvements in your health are almost guaranteed...

...if you're ready to feel more sustained energy, to correct digestive issues, to decrease
bloat, to lessen cravings, to lose a few pounds, to clear up your skin, to experience
high-quality sleep, to begin calming your nervous system, to feel less anxiety, to think
more clearly and sharply, to heal after a period of burnout, to increase your healthy
sexual appetite, to fall in love with life, to know yourself to be greater than your
personal identity and perceived limitations...

...and to do this all-naturally; connecting so deeply to to yourself and to Spirit...

... read every word of this guide, as this 'freebie' could lead to greater freedom.

Let’s dive in deeper.

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
Healing with Ayurveda can be broken down into these steps:

Step 1) Discover & Understand your Ayurvedic Constitution

Step 2) Align Your Lifestyle to the Natural Rhythms of Nature
Step 3) Transform Your Food into Sacred Medicine
Step 4) Move, Breathe & Meditate to Facilitate Spiritual Awareness

When each of these 4 steps are appropriately followed, your body can
naturally return to its default set point; to homeostasis and harmony.

So let's begin with...

Step 1: Discover + Understand your

Ayurvedic Constitution

Your Ayurvedic constitution is like your bio-energetic blueprint. This is the

map of the entirely unique way in which the 5 elements (Mahabhutas)
come together to make the one-and-only expression that is you.

Ayurveda posits that no two human beings are the same. Therefore, what is
medicine for one being is not necessarily medicine for another, and vice-

This is why it is so vital to understand our Ayurvedic constitution; because

without this knowing, we cannot truly understand ourselves.

The elements come together to make up 3 categories called the Doshas, or

bodily humors: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and these biological energies have
their own qualities (gunas) and are present in all of nature, including within

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
According to Ayurveda, there is a Doshic blueprint that we are conceived
into, which is called our original constitution (Prakruti) and there is also our
Vikruti, which describes how the doshas are expressing through us
currently. Our goal is to calibrate our Vikruti with our Prakruti–our
individual set point–to achieve optimal health naturally.

Your constitution influences your physiology, your likes and dislikes, your
tendencies and habits, your mental and emotional character, and your
vulnerabilities toward imbalance and disease. Therefore, learning how to
manage your constitution can be truly enlightening.

I work with my clients to help them gain clarity and understanding around
their specific Ayurvedic constitution.

So let's dive into an understanding of these 3 doshas...

VATA = air + space

Vata is the energy of movement, and is thus unstable in nature. Vata is the
energy of action and transportation, and is thus responsible for all
movement in the body; for the movement of lymph, of blood, of waste
products out of the body, of prana, of thoughts through the mind, etc. Vata
initiates the movement of Pitta & Kapha, which are both inherently stable
and immobile. So, when Vata falls out of balance, it can disturb the other
two doshas and send them into imbalance. The qualities of Vata are dry,
light, rough, cold, subtle and mobile.

Vata-predominant individuals tend to be either tall and lanky or very short

and petite. They have prominent joints, their hair is thin and dry, and their
nails are brittle. They have dark or pale complexions and their skin can be
dry, rough and cold. They tend to feel cold a lot of the time. Their apettite

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
is weak and unpredictable. Their digestion can tend towards gassiness,
bloating and constipation. They can easily lose weight. They are the creative
types, with a vast array of ideas that can sometimes overhwelm them, but
they lack the fire to follow-through and see their visions to full
manifestation. They follow their inspiration and therefore, tend towards
unpredicatbility, but they are truly balanced and nourished by routine,
evenness, predictability and stability.

PITTA = fire + water

Pitta, which can be translated was 'that which cooks,' is the energy of
transformation. When you look at a fire, what does it do? It burns up and
transforms something from one state to another. It is the same with Pitta
dosha, where Pitta governs metabolism and all the bio-chemical changes
that go on in the body as well as in the mind, like digestion of food and
sensory impressions, and temperature regulation. Psychologically, Pitta
governs joy, courage, willpower, anger, jealousy, and mental perception. It
also provides the radiant light of the intellect and shapes our discernment.
Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, mobile and liquid. And its main locations in
the body are the small intestine, stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas, blood,
eyes, and sweat.

Pitta-predominant individuals tend to be of average height with a medium

build, as well as developed and proportional musculature. Their weight is
average but they can both gain and lose weight fairly easily. They have a
strong metabolism and appetite, and they digest and eliminate all foods
quite easily, with the exception of spicy foods. Their skin is delicate and oily,
with a tendency towards acne, rashes, moles, freckles, redness and
flushness. Their complexion is coppery or yellow, fair and freckled. Their
eyes are bright, piercing and sharp and can easily become bloodshot. It is
common for them to experience premature graying and hair loss. They are
intelligent, sharp thinkers and speakers, ambitious and natural leaders.

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha
KAPHA = earth + water

Kapha, which can be translated as "that which sticks," is the energy of

stability, structure and lubrication that provides the body and mind with its
physical form, structure and the smooth functioning of all of its parts. You
can think of this dosha like the cement, glue and lubrication of the body.
Kapha governs the structural system and the waterways of the body. It
promotes anabolism, or increase and the build-up of the body. Because of its
earthy component, Kapha grounds Vata & Pitta and helps offset imbalances
related to these doshas. The qualities of Kapha are heavy, slow, cold, oily,
liquid, smooth, dense, soft, stable, cloudy. And its main sites are the chest,
throat, lungs, head, lymph, fatty tissue, connective tissue, ligaments and
tendons. Psychologically, Kapha governs love, patience, forgiveness, greed,
attachment, and mental inertia.

Kapha-predominant individuals tend to have a medium to broad frame with

a larger bone structure. They tend to gain weight easily and have difficulty
losing weight. Their appetite is moderate and they can easily miss a meal
and often don't feel hungry upon waking. Digestion, metabolism and
elimination are slow and sometimes sluggish. When in extreme imbalance,
they can suffer from obesity, sinus congestion and anything that involves
mucous. Their skin is oily, smooth and cool and can develop cystic acne.
Their hair is thick, oily, curly and often dark. Their eyes are large, white,
round and calming and their lips are full. They have steady energy, strong
endurance and a slow and calm disposition. They can take longer to learn
things, but their long-term memory is very reliable. Their minds are calm,
but sometimes they experience mental dullness and fogginess. They love
habits and routines, but can become attached and rigid around staying in
their familiar comfort zones for far longer than is healthy.

Which dosha most resonates with you?

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha

Step 2: Align Your Lifestyle to the Natural

Rhythms of Nature

'Vihara Chikitsa is the art of living in harmony–of truly dancing in

partnership–with the cycles of nature. Vihara means 'lifestyle' and Chikitsa
means 'therapy.'

In the modernized world, we have become so abundant in material wealth,

that we have fooled ourselves into believing we can live apart from nature.

We cannot. Plain and simple.

Ayurveda teaches us that there are natural, biological and cosmological cycles
that we MUST live by, including the cycles of the day, of the night, of the
seasons, of the moon, and of our lives–or reap the consequences of our
disconnection and ignorance.

You can begin the practice of living in alignment with the cycles of the day by
beginning to shift your waking time to the hours before sunrise.

This is the time of the day called Brahma Muhurta (the time period of
Brahma/Creator). This is the time, about 1 hour and 36 minutes before
sunrise, when all of life is waking up out of its slumber and rising to meet the

Have you noticed that the birds are chirping and that wild animals are stirring
at this time? It is because they naturally live in harmony with Mother Nature
and with the cyclical rhythms of the day, and so they instinctively know to rise
and to not sleep through this auspicious time.

We would be wise to take counsel from these 'wild' beings, and to follow their
lead. Begin setting your alarm for the time before sunrise (typically 4-6am,
depending on where you live and the season), and move with nature's call.
lisa power | @well_witch
turn your entire life into svastha

Step 3: Transform Your Food into Sacred

There is a very well know Ayurvedic saying that shares,

"When food is right, medicine is of no need. When food is wrong, medicine

is of no use."

Food is not just a way to take in calories, as well as the macro and micro-
nutrients that are necessary to maintain our existence, but through the
eyes of Ayurveda, food is medicine and a sacred offering of the 5 elements
to the body. Food is true therapy.

Conscious cooking and eating is one of the quickest ways to balance the
doshas and to remember our innate union with Mother Nature.

When we understand the effects of food on our bodies and minds, we can
choose from awareness and from empowerment what to eat so that we are
taking in medicine, rather than poison.

Eating foods that are incompatible with our constitutional makeup, can
send us into imbalance and when this is done over time, for a long period,
it can lead to deeper imbalance and eventually disease.

We can begin this process, very simply by becoming more mindful of

which tastes we are favouring in our daily diet. In Ayurveda, taste is called
Rasa, which also means "sap, juice, elixir, essence" as well as "love, feeling,
aesthetic sentiment." Rasa can be considered the mother-essence of
healing. Ayurveda considers that there are 6 essential rasas, and these are
their elemental building blocks as well as their effects on the doshas...

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha

Step 4: Move, Breathe + Meditate to

Facilitate Spiritual Awareness
Ayurveda and yoga can be considered as sister sciences. Both require the
other. Ayurveda aims to keep the body free of pain and disease, so that our
energy and attention is not consumed in the material plane, and the aim of
Yoga ('to yoke') is to facilitate union between the Jivatman (personal,
small, individual self) and Atman (the Ultimate Self, Pure Consciousness).

The ultimate goal of both Ayurveda and Yoga is that we wake up to the
essence of Brahman within ourselves; that we attain spiritual
enlightenment, or Moksha.

The practice of Yoga, however, is not simply a practice of working up a sweat,

and achieving a toned yoga butt. But the authentic practice of Yoga invites us
to enter into deep internal meditation through Asana (postures), Pranayama
(Yogic breathwork, or the intentional guided movement of Prana), and
Meditation (internal inquiry to free ourselves of the limitations of the
individual identity). (There are other components to the practice of authentic
Yoga, but we will not explore those here).

A sincere Yoga practice allows us to travel inward to explore our true nature ,
rather than to ruminate over the mundane distractions of the material life.

lisa power | @well_witch

turn your entire life into svastha

So Now What?
That is the process by which my clients are uncovering their most optimal
wellbeing–true svastha–by harmonizing lifestyle, diet, senses and soul with
nature's intention, becoming the emblem of the very brightest Self.

So what’s next?

If this process of revelation calls to you...If you’re inspired & excited already,
here’s the next step:

1. If you're not already following me on Instagram: @well_witch

2. Want to go deeper? - CLICK HERE

Learning to live each and every moment in concert with the cyclical
rhythms of the universe provides a solid foundation for building a
rich and wholesome life.
~ Bri Maya Tiwari

With much gratitude,

Lisa Power

lisa power | @well_witch

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