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I introduced my survey by welcoming participants about social media and it’s correlation with teens then mentioned the aspects social media could contribute to,
mental health, physical wellbeing, and a teenager’s personality in terms of influence by social media. The dependent variable involved in this scenario would be the
teenagers as their behavior is influenced by social media usage. That’s what i’m hinting at here. Social media can be and is most definitely detrimental to the
adolescent brain. My survey had 8 participants as 2 failed to contribute which is also ironic considering the behavior of teens is being discussed.
8 teenagers answered the given
question with yes, not one
person said so which is
concerning if gen z themselves
cannot deny that social media is
influencing them day by day.

Only one person said no but

the majority vote was yes,
which is understanding
considering social media is
selective to who you are as a
person. Some people take
stuff in differently from others
which can be a blessing and a
curse as a teenager involved
in social media. Social media
can bring a uproar or decline in
All 8 participants said yes and that
can't be denied. Every single week
there is a new insecurity on social
media and then coming up with
inventions to “fix them”. Exhibit A is
smile lines, why does something
that shows joy in your face have to
be seen as a burden? And then
with the abundance of horrible role
models & unrealistic standards
makes teenagers compare
themselves and start doubting their
3 people responded with no
while 4 said yes. Social media
has changed many people’s
lives and showed positive
outcomes that humanity is still
there, but then again the good
must be weighed out by the
bad and there is the side of
social media that brings
nothing but hatred and some
people get fueled by that, and
think it is okay to be inhumane.
4 people said no and 4
people said yes. This is really
based on personal opinion
and how the participant views
themselves and the collective
of teenagers around them.
So some believe social
media isn’t responsible for
bad behaviors in teenagers,
while some do believe that.
Only one person said they disagree
to this suggestion. The majority said
they disagree but isn’t it ironic how
majority gave full honesty about the
unhappiness social media brings
them? Teenagers use social media
as their full source of entertainment
but when they stumble upon the
bad side of social media the way
they intake stuff can alter them.
Teenagers are very vulnerable and
should have a developed mind
before approaching the internet,
where anything can happen.
Only one person said no to this
touchy question. Everyone else said
yes. It’s been proven multiple times
that social media can in fact be a
threat if it gets into the wrong hands,
exhibit A is how literal sex offenders
have access to the same internet as
children who are unaware about the
dangers of the world, they can be
groomed online, given disturbing
information. Social media can
definitely be considered a threat if it
gets in the wrong hands.
Only one person said no
but 7 people said yes.
Social media is proven to
be the leading factor in
depression for teenagers
and low self esteem which
can lead up to suicide.
3 people said no and 5
people said yes. This can be
debatable but as of today in
the world we live in, literal
genocide and war crimes are
being overlooked but people
will commentate on a rapper
beefing with another rapper.
This isn’t new at all, people
tend to ignore bigger
problems when it doesn’t
affect them, so they focus on
irrelevant topics.
I know this was supposed to be a multiple
choice question but I wanted to go deeper
into the understanding because I wanted to
see how the dependent variables would
respond to a question that summarizes
every question that was mentioned.
Everybody gave responses that have a
root of social media, “during covid”
referring to how social media was the only
outlook for gen z, the devious lick trend
where students were vandalizing school
property and caused uproar around the
U.S and students got fined for it and
everything else is self explanatory.
In recent years, the rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way people communicate, share information, and
interact with one another. While social media offers numerous benefits, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential negative impact,
particularly on teenagers. This essay aims to explore the correlation between social media usage and its detrimental effects on
teenagers, highlighting the various ways in which it can influence their mental health, self-esteem, social relationships, and
overall well-being. Social media platforms can significantly impact the mental health of teenagers. The constant exposure to
carefully curated and idealized versions of others' lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression. The pressure
to conform to societal standards and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can exacerbate these negative emotions. Moreover,
cyberbullying, which is prevalent on social media, can have severe psychological consequences, leading to increased stress
levels and even suicidal thoughts. Social media platforms often promote a culture of comparison, where teenagers constantly
compare themselves to their peers. This can negatively impact their self-esteem, as they may feel inadequate or less successful
in comparison to others. The emphasis on physical appearance, popularity, and material possessions can create unrealistic
expectations and a distorted self-image, leading to feelings of insecurity and low self-worth. While social media provides a
platform for connecting with others, it can also hinder the development of meaningful and authentic relationships. Teenagers may
prioritize virtual interactions over face-to-face communication, leading to a decline in social skills and a lack of empathy. The
constant need for validation through likes, comments, and followers can also create a shallow sense of connection, leaving
teenagers feeling isolated and lonely. Excessive use of social media can negatively impact teenagers' time management and
productivity. The addictive nature of these platforms can lead to procrastination, distraction, and a decline in academic
performance. Spending excessive amounts of time on social media can also disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and
decreased cognitive functioning While social media has undoubtedly transformed the way we communicate and share
information, it is essential to recognize its potential negative effects on teenagers. The correlation between social media usage
and detrimental impacts on mental health, self-esteem, social relationships, and productivity cannot be ignored. It is crucial for
parents, educators, and policymakers to promote digital literacy, encourage healthy online habits, and provide support systems to
help teenagers navigate the challenges posed by social media. By fostering a balanced approach to social media usage, we can
mitigate its negative effects and create a healthier digital environment for teenagers. 8 participants have highlighted that social
media could be the ultimate downfall of Gen z. As to my initial hypothesis.

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