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The Matrix

The Matrix is about a hacker who calls himself “Neo”. A mysterious man called Morpheus visits

him one day and introduces him to the secret of the mytrex : Technology controls the earth.

Neo’s life, like everybody else’s, is not real :Computers have created it and control it. However,

Morpheus is the leader of a group of humans who have. Managed to free themselves from the

matrix and need Neo’s help to control the earth again


Artificial Intelligence is set some time in the future, a time when humans use robots to help

them with everything. The robots look and feel like humans, but one thing is missing,

emotions.However, david, who is the latest design in robotic boys, can feel love because it’s

been installed into him. David becomes part of aloving family, but things quickly go wrong.

David’s parents throw him out and he has nowhere to go. So, he begins a journey to discover

where he belongs.


Tomb Raider brings computer game superhero Lara Croft to the big screen. Lara is a rich

archaeologist who travels around the world exploring ancient places. One day she finds a

strange key in a wall of an old building. It´s a magic key which can control time.However, the

key falls into the wrong hands and Lara has to get it back before it’s too late

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