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RACHEL: Good afternoon, Welcome to our radio program 'New Stories'! Today we
have with us Alicia, the director of an exciting new film with an unexpected
MIRIAN: Welcome Alicia! It's a pleasure to have you with us. Can you tell our
listeners what the story is about?
ALICIA: Of course! The film is a classic love story, full of passion and unexpected
scares. It is about a couple who decides to go on a trip to celebrate their wedding.
During the flight, the plane fails, and they must land in the middle of a forest,
leaving them in danger from wild animals.
RACHEL: That sounds scary! What motivated you to turn a love story into a horror
ALICIA: I wanted to create something original and exciting for our audience, by
adding horror elements we could explore deeper themes about fear and the
MIRIAM: Great! How did you come up with the idea for this film?
ALICIA: My team and I took inspiration from stories of famous forestry legends
and put our own spin on them to keep the audience eager to see the end.
RACHEL: Wow, it looks like I'll be in constant suspense.
MIRIAM. Me too! Alicia, can you tell us what the performances in the forest were
ALICIA: There were good performances, our cast brought the characters to life,
which made the fear seem real.
RACHEL: I love romantic movies and this one with a terrifying ending looks like it
will be one of my favorites.
MIRIAM: I feel the same, thank you for visiting radio Alicia, you have been very
ALICIA: Thanks, guys, for the invitation.
RACHEL: Goodbye Alicia, goodbye listeners until Monday!

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