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The Little Mermaid

Scene 1

Narrator: There once lived a king of the sea kingdom!

King: I am the King of Antlantica! The most powerful sea kingdom in the world.
Narrator: He had six daughters, all beautiful'mermaids.
Attina: I am Attina!!
Alana: I am the beautiful Alana!
Adella: I am the gorgeous Adella!
Aquata: I am the pretty Aquata!
Arista: I am the cute Arista!
Andrina: I am the stunning Andrina!
Ariel: …and I am Ariel!

Scene 2

Narrator: Princess Ariel, the youngest daughter, was very curious.

Ariel: I wonder what it’s like to be on land. I think it will be wonderful to have feet and walk on
the sand.
Narrator: Ariel has two best friends. Flounder the fish and Sebastian the Crab.
Sebastian: Ariel! That’s insane! You don’t know what will happen to you there.
Flounder: I agree! Don’t you ever think about it again!
Ariel: Hmmm. I cannot promise that.
Sebastian & Flounder: Oh no!

Scene 3

Narrator: When Ariel was 15 years old, she went up to the surface of the water.
Ariel: I have made up my mind! It’s about time to end this curiosity! I will go on the surface of
the water. I will sneak out of the palace. No one will know.
Narrator: She saw a handsome young prince standing on the deck of a ship.
Ariel: So this is what it feels like to be on the surface!
Eric: La la la la. I love being alone in the sea.
Ariel: Woops! Who is that on the Ship? He looks like a prince!
Narrator: She fell in love with him.

Scene 4
Narrator: One stormy night, the young prince fell off the ship.
Eric: Oh no. I think I’m going to fall!
Ariel: Don’t worry my prince, I will save you!
Narrator:Ariel saved his life. But he didn't know that.
Scene 5
Narrator: Back home, Ariel missed him a lot. Ariel told her friends about the prince.
Flounder: So what’s he looks like?
Ariel: I mean, he is handsome. I think I’m in love.
Sebastian: Ariel that’s impossible!
Ariel: I don’t know. I just want to see him again.
Flounder & Sebastian: Ariel! You cannot love a human!
Narrator:But there was no way for a mermaid to love a human.

Scene 6

Narrator:She went to the witch and begged for help.

Ariel: Ursula! I want to have feet and walk on the surface.
Ursula: Ha ha ha ha! That is a very dangerous wish Ariel!
Ariel: I don’t care! I want to be with the prince!
Ursula: Very well then, are you willing to give up your golden voice in return?
Ariel: I… I… I think it’s okay.
Ursula: Fair enough! Another condition, if the prince will be married to another woman, you
will turn into bubble and will be forever gone. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

Scene 7

Narrator:The witch gave Ariel human legs. She came back up on land as a beautiful
human girl.
Ariel: Wow, so this is what it feels like to have human legs. Finally! I could be with the prince
Narrator: She was found by the prince and invited to the palace.
Eric: Come with me, I will show you around the palace.
Ariel: Of course!

Scene 8

Narrator: But the prince was going to marry the princess of a neighboring country. Ariel
was very sad but couldn't say anything.
Princes: Hi prince Eric! Are you ready for our wedding tomorrow?
Eric: I guess so…

Scene 9
Narrator:The night before the wedding, Ariel's mermaid sisters appeared.
Attina: I told you it’s impossible to marry a human!
Ariel: I know…
Alana: Ariel! You should fight!
Adella: But how?
Aquata: Here! (Giving ariel the knife)
Arista: You should kill the prince or you will die.
Ariel: But…
Andrina: No buts Ariel. Is it him your life?
Narrator:They gave her a knife, telling her to kill the prince.

Scene 10 (Climax)

Narrator: Ariel went into the prince's room with the knife, but she couldn't kill him.
Ariel: I can’t kill you my prince!
Suddenly, the prince woke up and saw ariel. He remembered her face.
Eric: Ariel! It’s you!
All along,Ariel was the girl he has been dreaming of since he was a boy.He fell in love with her.
Eric: I knew it was you the first time I saw you.
Narrator: All of a sudden, the other princess saw what happened.
Princess: What is the meaning of this? Prince Eric you are mine only!
Narrator: The princess was very angry, she took the knife and she tried to kill Ariel.
Princes: I will kill you!
Ariel: Nooo!
Narrator:To Ariel's surprise, the princess was actually the witch who gave her her feet.
Ariel: So it was you Ursula? You tricked me!
Ursula: Wahahahaha! Your voice is mine forever! Wahahahaha
Narrator: But the prince held the hand of the witch and took the knife from her.
Eric: Enough! Get out of this palace!
Narrator: The princess was banished from the kingdon.
The next day, Ariel and the prince got married and they lived happily ever after.
-The end

The Little Mermaid’s casts:

1. Auto- as the king
2. Namsoup- as Attina
3. Poey—as alana
4. Kao- as Adella
5. Mina- as aquata
6. Namnao- as Arista
7. Jaja- as Andrina
8. Geo- as Sebastian
9. Kwangtung- as flounder
10.Kaongam- as URSULA and the Witch
11.Minnie- as our Narrator
12.Gun- as Eric
13.And Focus- as Ariel

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