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Tuesday, 02 April 2024 16:10

The number of people employed in the informal

sector in South Africa reached a peak point at
over 7.8 million.In the period under review,the
number of people with jobs outside formal
institutions has generally been following an
increasing trend.The size of South Africa's
informal economy is estimated to be 29% which
represents approximately $349 billion at GDP
PPP levels.

In conclusion,the informal sector is an

important part of South Africa as many people
live in poverty and cannot get
education,severely limiting their chances of
getting a good job.Without the informal
sector,unemployment as well as poverty would
increase and the economy would be much worse
than it already is.


Reference list:

-Srinivas.H(2024),Empowering the informal

economy:Strategies for Integration and
is.html.(Accessed on 25 March 2024)

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