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breakdown/delay at T13P1


breaker hydraulic hose 45
1 8/2/2022 loader hydraulic hose 80
breaker hydraulic hose 220
sany chemical nit passing 60
sany chemical nit passing 60
2 8/3/2022
booster voltage not sufficient 30
tamrock wire rope damage 60
tamrock Single boom working 300
3 8/4/2022
L2D boomer water pressure 120
4 8/5/2022 L2D boomer water pressure 100
5 8/6/2022 tamrock hydraulic hose 45
miller not available 270
6 8/8/2022
tamrock not available 90
tamrock maintenance 30
7 8/9/2022 loader 13p2 road block 40
surveyor not available 60
tamrock electric problem 40
8 8/10/2022 loader not available 40
surveyor not available 40
tamrock maintenance 120
9 8/11/2022
blasting van not available 40
excavator hydraulic hose 70
10 8/12/2022
loader not available 60
tamrock hydraulic hose 60
11 8/13/2022 dumper stuck in drain 100
dumper stuck in drain 90
12 8/14/2022 normet boom seal damage 180
mayco not available 180
13 8/16/2022 mayco compressor trip 60
mayco heating issue 60
booster voltage issue 160
14 8/17/2022
normet stock issue 120
mayco heating issue 80
15 8/18/2022
tamrock hydraulic hose 90
tamrock hydraulic hose 120
16 8/19/2022 sany electric problem 90
16 8/19/2022
sany electric problem 30
17 8/20/2022 tamrock hydraulic hose 210
breaker hydraulic hose 180
18 8/22/2022
mayco stock issue 240
19 8/23/2022 normet stock issue 45
tamrock rod not available 120
20 8/27/2022 normet air hose damage 60
normet stock issue 90
tamrock hydraulic hose 45
breaker hydraulic valve 90
21 8/28/2022
normet stock issue 40
normet stock issue 90
normet stock issue 150
22 8/29/2022 mayco electric problem 60
loader tyre puncher 180
mayco compressor trip 40
23 8/30/2022
excavator light not working 60
mayco emergency switch 120
mayco pump heating 150
24 8/31/2022 water not available 50
tamrock electric problem 50
mayco compressor not working 90
total time in min.
breakdown in hours FTM Aug.'22 93.3333333
breakdown in percentage FTM Aug.'22 13.8888889
actual brakdown of machine FTM OF Aug'22

machine time(min) time (hours) % of b/d

breaker 535 8.916666667 1.326885
loader 400 6.666666667 0.992063
sany 240 4 0.595238
booster 190 3.166666667 0.47123
tamrock 1380 23 3.422619
L2D boomer 220 3.666666667 0.545635
miller 270 4.5 0.669643
excavator 130 2.166666667 0.322421
dumper 190 3.166666667 0.47123
normet 775 12.91666667 1.922123
mayco 1080 18 2.678571
all machine cumulative b/d FTM aug'22 13.41766

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